We know that raising kids is expensive — but just how expensive is it? According to a 2015 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) study, the average cost of raising a child from birth until the age of 17 is $233,610 . This estimate is based on a middle-income family of four and excludes any college costs. Taking into account the inflation in the economy, you can expect to spend $292,017 raising a child in 2022, or more considering child care expenses are rising rapidly. A recent study done by the Brookings Institution for the Wall Street Journal found that due to unprecedented inflation rates, parents can expect to spend at least $300,000 raising a child born in 2015 until age 17. While that may sound overwhelming, we’ve broken down eight major expenses for prospective parents to consider and provided some tips on how to prepare mentally and financially for your child’s future. Costs of Raising a Child in 2022 Housing, food, and child care take up the largest percenta...
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