Whether you’re getting married, moving in together, or just getting serious about money, it’s always a good time to start discussing finances with your significant other. But how do you talk to your partner about money? For many, this is scary or awkward, but don’t worry. As the blog of one of the leading personal finance experts, we’ve put together a guide with some word-for-word phrases to use, along with all the tips and information you need. In this article, we’ll cover: When you should start talking to your partner about money Best practices for talking about money in your relationship Scripts to get the conversation started Important talking points you should ALWAYS cover with a significant other How to find what invisible scripts you and your partner have (& what to do about them) (+ scripts to get the conversation started) What you should NEVER do when talking to your partner about money Answers to the most frequently asked questions about...
... one of the largest curated content blog on the internet about personal finance and other financal-related matters.