Thanks to inflation, prices have been on the rise for the past couple of years. In times like these, one of the best financial strategies is to find ways to save money on ordinary purchases. An effective yet unusual strategy is to save money on subscriptions with a Virtual Private Network (VPN) . If that sounds strange, it is a thing – and an unexpected benefit of having a VPN service. We can’t take credit for this idea. It came about through an email to Jim from Noah Kagan of OKDork , so we can thank him for introducing the entire concept. So, it is new to us and a complete revelation. Because a VPN essentially hides your identity, it’s possible to make purchases for everyday products and services from foreign countries where those items might cost less than they do in the US. It helps that good VPN services operate out of multiple countries. It’s a complicated topic, and a bit technical, at that. But let’s plow through it anyway. As you’ll see, the savings can be substantia...
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