I recently asked an entrepreneur what inspires her to show up every day ready to work, ready to invest and do whatever it takes to succeed, and she responded without hesitation: “financial freedom.” When I heard her answer, it brought me back to the moment I decided to 100 percent commit to being an entrepreneur and leave my corporate career. In my nine-to-five job, there were layers of bosses above me determining my earning potential, which was deduced by some black-box formula and presented to me in terms of benefits, an annual salary, and a bonus. The bonus was promised to meet a minimum but was also promised not to exceed a maximum regardless of my contribution to the goal. That bothered me. I left corporate America for two reasons. First, I wanted to be in charge of my own financial destiny and let my hard work enable me to earn money without a cap. If I earned a small amount, that was on me. If I earned a large amount, that was on me too. Plus I could give back to my c...
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