When you see stocks like Amazon and Google parent Alphabet trading for thousands of dollars, investing can seem out of reach. Those high prices may tempt you to seek out a bargain. Enter penny stocks. Penny stocks seem like an opportunity to buy into an up-and-coming company for dirt cheap. At penny stock prices, you can afford to buy hundreds or even thousands of shares. But watch out: Trading penny stocks could easily leave you broke. Here’s why it’s so easy to lose money buying penny stocks. What Is a Penny Stock? The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission defines a penny stock as one that trades for $5 or less per share. Most investors, though, take a narrower definition. Many define it as one that trades for under $1. The low share price isn’t the only thing that defines a penny stock. You can find stocks trading for under $5 a share on major stock exchanges, like the Nasdaq or New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). But most investors don’t consider these to be penny stocks. Penny...
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