If you struggle with poor credit or are new to credit, you may have heard of credit builder services as a way to increase your credit score . But how do they work, and are credit builder loans and credit cards legit? Like anything else, credit builder services aren’t for everyone, but if used properly, they can be helpful. In this article, I’ll explain how credit builder services work, share some examples of companies to consider, as well as some credit builder alternatives. Table of Contents What Are Credit Builder Services? What Is a Credit Builder Loan? What Is a Credit Builder Credit Card? Where Can I Get a Credit Builder Loan? Self CreditStrong Cleo Are Credit Builder Services Legit? Who Should Use Credit Builder Services? What Are Other Ways I Can Build My Credit? Secured Credit Cards Secured Loan Get a Co-signer Final Thoughts on Credit Builder Services What Are Credit Builder Services? Credit builder services use small, easy to...
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