Credit card reward programs can get pretty complicated. It’s easy to under how you earn the points, but how do you spend them? You don’t want to spend them the wrong way and leave money on the table. When we got the credit card, I was happy to earn 5% on my purchases at Amazon but I wasn’t entirely sure how to spend the points. What was the best way? Fortunately, Amazon and Chase have made it very simple once you understand the program. So, what is the best way to use these Amazon credit card points? Table of Contents Ways to Use Credit Card Points šø Cash Back is the Best Way Not All Rewards Are Like This Ways to Use Credit Card Points The credit card has a few options but they’re all valued at 1 penny per point. You can use them: for purchases at – 1 penny per point for Travel – 1 penny per point for Cash Back – 1 penny per point for Gift Cards – 1 penny per point Unfortunately for your rewards (but fortuna...
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