H ere’s how to file your taxes for free this year. It’s that time again: Tax Time! Luckily, if you meet certain criteria, you may just be able to file your business federal taxes–and possibly your state taxes–without spending a penny! The services below are going to work for contractors, small businesses, and LLCs that use the Schedule C from Form 1040 to complete their taxes. This means you need to be a freelancer, solopreneur, contractor, etc.. Unfortunately these tools below don’t include free filing for corporations and s corps. FreeTaxUSA Cash App Taxes IRS Free File Go to site Go to site Go to site FreeTaxUSA Go to site Cash App Taxes Go to site IRS Free File Go to site What Are the Ways to File Business Taxes for Free? Here are three ways to file business taxes free this year: 1. FreeTaxUSA (FreeTaxUSA.com) F...
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