The term “ Payment Plan ” means an agreement that involves equal monthly payments. Borrowers or creditors always organize and decide about an agreement beforehand. The plan takes place for a set duration of time. It usually occurs at the pace of installments, which are paid at the due and predetermined time. Some forms of payment plan in consumer finance contain a monthly schedule—for example, auto loans and point-of-sale retail loans. Also, the customer makes a determined payment monthly in a finance payment plan. Until the borrower pays the balance in full, the amount continues. Other names for payment plans are layaway plans, installment plans, and credit plans. Understanding The Concept Of A Payment Plan A payment plan is also known as an Installment Payment Plan. It ensures the payment of outstanding debts on time. The sectors which involve critical and expensive purchases apply the “payment plan.” Auto, mortgage, and college tuition payments come under the category of these...
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