If you’re a student, are new to credit, or are in the process of rebuilding your credit , you know how challenging it can be to qualify for a credit card. Many credit card companies have strict approval criteria and only want to deal with the most established consumers. Thankfully, there are a number of credit cards that are easier to qualify for. To help you find a credit card that works for you, I’ve compiled a list of credit cards with more relaxed approval criteria. But first, here’s a closer look at how credit card approval decisions are made. Table of Contents How Are Credit Card Approval Decisions Made? Your Credit History Debt-to-Income Ratio Number of Credit Inquiries Number of Delinquencies on Your Credit Bureau Your Credit History Your Income What Is the Easiest Type of Credit Card to Get? The Easiest Student Credit Cards to Get Discover it Student Cash Back Card Capital One SavorOne Student Card Discover it Chrome for Students Credit Cards ...
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