Learning how to save money in college may be the last thing you want to do while you’re, well, already learning in school. But starting responsible spending habits early on can give you a valuable financial head start. Imagine being able to pay off your student loans or other debt right after graduation, or even put a down payment on a home. While there are many ways to approach this, we know it can get overwhelming for even financially savvy people. This is why we’ve put together 66 smart ways to save money in college. Browse through them all or jump to the one that interests you the most, but consider incorporating at least a couple to put some extra cash in your savings each month — we’re sure you won’t regret it! Buy used textbooks Cook your own food Split rent with roommates Brew your own coffee Use all available campus amenities Buy a bike in lieu of a car Use your student discount Buy food in season or on sale Ditch bottled water Buy discounted electronics Use f...
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