Are you looking for a bank that will give you over a thousand dollars to open an account? Banks usually go one of two ways when it comes to bank bonuses – they require you to set up a direct deposit OR you can move over a large sum of money and hold it there for a few months. A lot of banks will offer you a few hundred dollars to move your direct deposit, but for the truly big money – we’re talking thousands of dollars – they want you to move over a large sum. If you have a bit of cash sitting around, you could get even more. Maybe you just sold something big – a business, a house, another major asset – and you need to hold that cash somewhere safe for a few months before you do something with it (buy another house, business, or major asset!). Whatever the case, it’s possible to make extra cash with some of these bank offers: Table of Contents Citi Priority Account — $300, $700, or $1,500 Citigold® Checking Account — $300, $700, or $1,500 Ally Invest – up to $3,000 Chase...
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