A s a business owner and CPA , I understand how important it is to find good tax help. As an entrepreneur , I want to focus on product and sales, not necessarily my business taxes. I don’t even do my business taxes. I get help from a CPA firm. If you’re a new business owner of a Partnership or Multi-Member LLC or you recently made the S Corp designation, you probably want to do your taxes with the CPA that helped you set up your business or make the designation. However, if you don’t like that CPA, you can’t use them for some reason, or you did all the setup yourself, this is a great time to check out TurboTax’s Live Full Service for Business . It’s quick and easy to get started. New customers can take advantage of special introductory pricing and save $500. This article will overview TurboTax’s Live Full Service for Business offering. We’ll discuss who it’s best for and if you should use it over going to a CPA. New TurboTax Live Full Service Business $999.00 Your own ded...
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