When your 62nd birthday approaches, you’ll have a big decision to make: Should you take Social Security at 62 and accept lower benefits? Or should you delay Social Security to get a higher benefit amount? The answer to whether taking Social Security at 62 is the right move for you depends on several factors: your life expectancy, whether you’re retiring early and your overall financial situation. Here are some things to consider in your retirement planning . How Claiming Social Security Early Works If you’re claiming Social Security based on your own record or you’re taking spousal benefits, you can start benefits as early as age 62. If you’re a surviving spouse, you can begin receiving benefits at 60. However, by taking benefits earlier, you’ll face a lifetime benefit reduction. Your Social Security benefit is based on your primary insurance amount. That’s the amount you’d receive if you started your benefits at full retirement age . If you were born in 1960 or later, your full r...
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