Do you love getting credit card bonuses but don’t like the high spending requirements that come with many credit card bonus offers? Perhaps you want to earn rewards but don’t spend enough money monthly to justify the high annual fee. Just because you don’t spend thousands every month on your credit card doesn’t mean you should be pushed out of the credit card rewards game. In this article, we’re sharing the best credit cards for low spenders. The cards we’ve selected offer welcome bonuses and attractive rewards programs, and some of them also appear on our list of the best cash back credit cards . Table of Contents Best Credit Cards for Low Spenders 1. Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express 2. Capital One VentureOne Rewards 3. Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card 4. Chase Freedom Unlimited 5. Capital One SavorOne Cash Rewards Credit Card 6. Discover it Cash Back Card 7. U.S. Bank Cash Plus Card 8. Chase Freedom Flex 9. Citi Custom Cash Card 10....
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