Student loan forbearance is a temporary suspension or decreased rate on your student loans. Many people became familiar with student loan forbearance during the COVID-19 pandemic , during which many student loan payments were halted or cut. Navigating student loans can be a tricky business as it is. But if a lower interest rate piques your interest, we’ve put together a guide to what student loan forbearance means and how it works. What is Student Loan Forbearance? Student loan forbearance means you’ll get some reprieve from your loan payments for a time. This could mean your monthly payment is reduced or even stopped altogether for up to one year. For the most part, forbearance isn’t an automatic process. You’ll have to contact your loan provider and fill out a form to request it. From there, your provider will determine whether or not to grant you forbearance. Let’s break down the different types of loan forbearance. General Forbearanc...
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