Managing money efficiently may seem like largely a numbers game. You’ve got to earn a certain amount of income to cover all your expenses. If your income doesn’t stretch, try subtracting from your spending. And don’t forget to save aside a certain percentage for retirement and other goals. But truly becoming a master over your money requires more than just understanding the math. “It’s time to look past the numbers, this measurable that we hold in our lives that determines whether we are successful or we are failing,” said Kumiko Love, an Accredited Financial Counselor and founder of The Budget Mom . In her new book, “My Money My Way,” Love shares the importance of seeking financial fulfillment instead of focusing only on the numbers. Financial fulfillment, she said, includes having clarity about your goals, being confident about your money decisions and operating from a place of financial stability. A Mindset Shift On the journey to financial fulfillment, it’s important to...
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