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How to Buy Unclaimed Amazon or USPS Packages

Have you ever wondered what’s in all those Amazon boxes and USPS packages filling the numerous delivery vehicles? Maybe you’ve been watching Amazon mystery box unwrapping videos on TikTok, where the person unboxes luxury clothing, electronics, and other valuable items. It may surprise you that not every ordered item arrives at the buyer’s doorstep as it may get lost in the mail for various reasons.  Instead of restocking the items or burying them in a landfill, retailers sell them at often discounted rates. As a result, you may be able to buy single items or entire pallets of goodies.  This guide shows how to buy unclaimed Amazon or USPS packages locally or online. Table of Contents What are Amazon Unclaimed Packages? What to Consider Before Buying Unclaimed Items Places Nearby to Buy Unclaimed Items Facebook Marketplace Swap Meets Pallet Liquidation Sales 888 Lots Unclaimed Mail Stores Near You Amazon BlueLots USPS Mail Recovery Center Final Thou

Owning Rental Property: Pros, Cons & Tips for Beginners

If you could invest money in a financial asset that has the potential to grow significantly over time — knowing that it carries some level of risk — would you do it? At its core, owning rental homes is similar to investing money in other financial accounts: You’re allocating funds to an asset with the goal of growing its value over time. Investing in real estate can be incredibly lucrative, notably generating over $430,000 in annual rental income for one 32-year-old investor.  While owning rental property can be profitable, its benefits come at a cost. Before you add “landlord” to your resume, it’s important to understand the risks , and knowing how to start investing in real estate is just the beginning. Here, we’ll unpack the benefits of owning rental property, weigh the pros and cons, and highlight some of the key considerations that property owners should understand before diving in. Key Takeaways Owning rental property can be profitable, but it comes with some downfalls.

How to Start Freelance Writing With No Experience

Freelance writing can be a tough nut to crack, but once you do, it can be fruitful, and something you might love. Have you ever had that awkward feeling of not belonging somewhere and all you want to do is leave? Maybe it was the first time you went to hang out with your significant other’s friends and felt out of place, or maybe it was that extra 30 seconds spent in silence with a stranger in the elevator. This is how I started to feel about my full-time job last year. Though I’m grateful to have a stable job and to earn enough to meet my needs, I still feel like I don’t belong, and I lack passion for what I do. For a while now, I’ve been having a love affair with freelance writing, and it’s fueling my desire to work again. I initially started picking up clients to earn some extra side-hustle money to put toward my debt. As my side gigs grew, I started to think: “Hey, maybe I could do this full time to support myself.” Who would have thought that writing would become a necess

Where to Get a Free Turkey for Thanksgiving in 2022

If you’re looking for a free turkey this Thanksgiving, whether due to budget constraints or just trying to be frugal, we’ve found some ways you can. With sky-high grocery prices , people everywhere are searching for ways to lower their grocery bills and beat inflation. The costs can be especially high during holidays, like Thanksgiving, which is why getting a free turkey can help. The following list has something for just about everyone. Table of Contents Stores Giving Away Free Turkeys 1. Walmart and Ibotta 2. Foodtown 3. Weis Market Free Turkeys or Thanksgiving Meals for Low-Income Families 4. United Way 211 5. Local Food Pantries 6. Local Charities 7. Religious Organizations Near You 8. Meals on Wheels 9. Local Shelters 10. Local Masons, Lions, or Similar Organizations How Can I Help this Thanksgiving?  Volunteer at a Food Pantry or Shelter Give Money Be the Feet On the Ground Free Turkey for Thanksgiving: Summary Stores Giving Away Free Turkeys S

10 Clever Bear Market Investing Strategies To Make Gains

No one wants to see their investments take a dip, let alone a plummet. That’s what makes the dreaded bear market so troubling. In these markets, securities typically fall at least 20% in value and widespread pessimism abounds.  But for the savvy investor, bear markets are nothing to be afraid of. In fact, they may even be great opportunities to make some profit — if they use the right strategies.  Here are 10 clever bear market investing strategies that may help investors come out ahead in the end. 1. Wait It Out When stocks begin to plummet during a bear market, it can be tempting to try and cut losses by selling.  Some say that a great t investing strategy for long-term investors is to buy and hold, even during economic downturns.  In fact, recent research from Crestmont Research shows that S&P 500 returns over any 20-year period from 1919 to 2019 were positive. This means that anyone who invested in an S&P 500 index fund at any point between 1900 and 2000 made money,

How to Invest In the S&P 500: Index Investing Made Easy

One of the most popular methods for investing in the stock market is through the S&P 500 Index. Investment advisors frequently recommend it as the primary choice for the stock portion of a typical investor’s portfolio.  But how does the S&P 500 work, and what’s the best way to buy the index? To help you incorporate the S&P 500 into your portfolio, we’re providing this S&P 500 investing guide. But before we describe how, let’s first dive into exactly what the S&P 500 is so you’ll have a better idea of why it’s such a well-recommended investment. Table of Contents What Is the S&P 500? What Companies are Included in the S&P 500? The S&P 500 vs. Dow Jones Industrial Average and NASDAQ Dow Jones industrial average (DJIA) NASDAQ How to Invest In the S&P 500 Open a Brokerage Account Choose an Index Fund Have a Long-Term Mindset Pros and Cons of Investing in the S&P 500 Should You Invest in the S&P 500? What Is the S&P 50