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The Best Landlord Insurance Companies

As a landlord, you have a ton of responsibilities when managing your rental properties. From finding tenants to collecting rent, there are just so many things to keep track of. Still, one of the most important things you should do as a landlord is ensure you have the right insurance coverage.

The right landlord insurance policy will help protect your rental property and your personal finances in a disaster or lawsuit. This article will discuss the best landlord insurance companies and what they offer. I’ll also dial in how best to pick a policy for you.

What Are the Best Landlord Insurance Companies?

Here are the best landlord insurance companies, starting with an Insurtech company that specializes in this type of coverage:

1. Steadily

Steadily was founded in 2017 when one of its founders encountered difficulty finding an affordable, simple-to-understand landlord insurance policy after buying a rental property in Chicago.

This proved to be a positive development as it displayed that the people behind Steadily Landlord Insurance are well aware of many property owners’ pain points while seeking quality coverage. They took this insight and established their company to provide top-notch protection at an accessible price.

The online self-serve model employed by Steadily is designed to make it easier for tenants to get tailored coverage without hassle — perfect for those who want their insurance sorted quickly.

Not only does their service cover all 50 states, but they offer great rates considering the wide range of prices associated with different types of coverage. Read our full review of Steadily…

2. Allstate

Allstate has what’s called a Landlord Package. This covers various perils such as fire, windstorms, hail, falling objects, and water damage from plumbing.

Coverage includes dwelling protection, other structures protection, liability coverage, fair rental income coverage, and premises medical protection. Optional coverages can also be added to the policy for additional protection.

Not covered by Allstate landlord insurance are breakdowns in the rental property, personal property of tenants, floods, earthquakes, and water backups.

3. Liberty Mutual

Liberty Mutual offers landlord insurance.

Their standard policy includes dwelling coverage – if your property suffers a total loss from the damage, this coverage will take care of repairs; premises liability – if a maintenance worker slips and injures themselves on your property; you’ll be covered for any legal action the person may take against you; wind/hail: if a lousy hail storm causes damage to the windows of your rental property, this will help you get them repaired; fair rental value: if one of your units suffers fire damage and you’re unable to rent it out, this will cover the lost rent while repairs take place.

Optional coverage includes inflation protection: if inflation leads to rising repair costs, this will keep pace with inflation, so you’re covered for a total loss.

4. Farmers Insurance

Farmers Insurance offers a variety of optional coverage options to help protect your rental property. Comprehensive property coverage can help with damage caused by storms or other weather events, while named-peril coverage covers specific risks such as water damage from bursting pipes.

Optional landlord liability coverage can help with hospital bills and lost wages if you are responsible for an injury on the premises. Additionally, loss of rent, personal property, and personal injury coverages may be available to protect your rental property and belongings.

Other structures coverage is also an option to help with anything that isn’t physically attached to the residence.


If you rent out your property, the USAA Landlord Insurance policy can provide coverage for damage caused by most weather-related events, fire, vandalism, and accidental water damage. It can also help to pay for necessary repairs or rebuilding costs.

In addition, it can provide liability coverage if you’re held responsible for someone else’s injuries or property damage. They have coverage for properties with long-term tenants or short-term vacationers on sites such as Airbnb and Vrbo. You must be a member of USAA to take advantage of this policy.


GEICO Insurance Agency landlord policies include coverage for structure damage, liability, out-of-pocket expenses, and furnishings. Depending on the type of tenant – long-term rental, occasional short-term rental, or frequent short-term rental – you may need a different policy.


Companies that don’t have a specific landlord insurance policy: Progressive, Nationwide, and State Farm (although they do have something called apartment owners insurance).

What is Landlord Insurance – a Refresher

Landlord insurance is a form of property insurance specifically designed to protect landlords from financial losses due to damage to their rental property, theft, or liability claims made by tenants.

Unlike standard home insurance, which may not provide the necessary coverage for income-producing properties, landlord insurance is tailored to protect rental properties and their owners.

While not legally required, it’s highly recommended to have a landlord insurance policy as a risk management strategy to safeguard against potential costs associated with tenants.

For instance, landlord insurance will cover the loss of rental income if the property becomes uninhabitable due to covered damages, which can be especially crucial if rental income is used to cover mortgage payments or other expenses.

How to Choose the Best Landlord Insurance Company for Your Needs

When choosing the best landlord insurance company for your needs, there are a few things to consider. First, you want to ensure the company is reputable and has a good track record. Check out online reviews and ratings to understand how other landlords have fared with the company.

Next, you want to ensure the company offers the coverage you need. Different companies offer different coverage levels, so ensure you understand what is included in the policy. You should also look for a company that offers flexible coverage options so you can customize the policy to fit your specific needs.

Finally, you want to make sure the company has competitive rates. Shop around and compare quotes from different companies to ensure you get the best deal.

Finding the right landlord insurance company doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With some research and comparison shopping, you can find the perfect policy for your needs.

What to Look for in a Landlord Insurance Policy

When it comes to landlord insurance, there are a few key things to look for in a policy. First, ensure the policy covers your rental property, including any outbuildings or other structures. You’ll also want to ensure the policy covers any damage caused by tenants, such as fire, water damage, or vandalism.

Additionally, you’ll want to ensure the policy covers any legal fees associated with tenant disputes.

Another essential factor to consider is the amount of coverage. Ensure the policy covers the total value of your rental property and any potential losses due to tenant damage. You’ll also want to ensure the policy covers any liability claims arising from tenant injuries or property damage.

Finally, ensure the policy includes any additional coverage you may need, such as loss of rent coverage or coverage for tenant-caused damage to your personal property. This will help ensure that you’re fully protected in a tenant-related incident.

By taking the time to research and compare different landlord insurance policies, you can make sure you’re getting the best coverage for your rental property. With the right policy in place, you can rest assured that your rental property is protected from potential risks.

The Benefits of Landlord Insurance

When renting your property, having the best landlord insurance company can be a lifesaver. Not only does it provide you with peace of mind, but it also offers a range of benefits that can help you protect your investment and maximize your profits.

Here are just a few of the advantages of having the best landlord insurance company in your corner:

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: The best landlord insurance companies offer comprehensive coverage that can protect you from a wide range of risks. This includes everything from property damage to liability claims. With the right coverage, you can rest assured that your property is protected from unexpected events.
  2. Affordable Rates: The best landlord insurance companies offer competitive rates to help you save money on your premiums. This means you can get the coverage you need without breaking the bank.
  3. Flexible Payment Options: The best landlord insurance companies offer flexible payment options to help you manage your budget. Whether you prefer to pay in whole or installments, you can find a plan that works for you.
  4. Expert Advice: The best landlord insurance companies have experienced agents who can provide expert advice and guidance. They can help you understand the different types of coverage available and help you make the best decision for your needs.
  5. Quick Claims Processing: The best landlord insurance companies have streamlined claims processing systems to help you quickly get the money you need. This means you don’t have to wait for weeks or months to get the compensation you deserve.

Having the best landlord insurance company on your side can be a real asset when renting your property. With comprehensive coverage, affordable rates, flexible payment options, expert advice, and quick claims processing, you can rest assured that your investment is protected and your profits are maximized.

7 Different Types of Insurance You Need | Our Complete Guide

How to Save Money on Landlord Insurance

There are several ways to save money on landlord insurance:

  1. Bundle your policies: If you have multiple properties, consider bundling your landlord insurance policies with one insurance company. This can often result in a discounted rate.
  2. Increase your deductible: Increasing your deductible (the amount you pay out of pocket before insurance coverage kicks in) can lower your premium. However, remember that a higher deductible means more financial risk for you in case of a claim.
  3. Maintain a good claims history: Insurance companies often offer discounts to landlords with a good history, meaning they haven’t filed many claims in the past.
  4. Implement safety measures: Some insurance companies may offer discounts for landlords who have implemented safety measures such as smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and deadbolts.
  5. Shop around: Compare rates and coverage from different insurance companies to find the best deal.
  6. Optimize coverage: Review your coverage annually and ensure it aligns with your needs and budget. Sometimes you may find that you’re paying for coverage you don’t need.

It’s important to remember that while saving money on insurance is essential, it’s even more critical to ensure you have enough coverage to protect your rental properties and yourself in case of any accidents or damages.

Comparing the Best Landlord Insurance Companies: What to Consider

When choosing the best landlord insurance company, there are a few things to consider. First, you want to ensure the company is reputable and has a good track record. You should also look at the coverage they offer and ensure it meets your needs. Additionally, comparing the policy’s cost would be best to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

When it comes to reputation, you want to ensure the company has a good track record and is well-respected in the industry. You can read reviews online or ask other landlords for their opinion.

Next, you want to make sure the coverage offered meets your needs. You should look at the types of coverage offered, such as liability, property damage, and rental income protection. You should also make sure the policy covers any additional costs you may incur, such as legal fees or repairs.

Finally, comparing the policy’s cost would be best to ensure you’re getting the best deal. You should look at the premiums, deductibles, and any additional fees. You should also ensure the policy is affordable and fits your budget.

By comparing the best landlord insurance companies, you can ensure you’re getting the best coverage for your needs at the best price.


1. What is landlord insurance?

Landlord insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides financial protection for landlords in the event of a tenant-related loss. It typically covers damage to the property caused by tenants, legal fees, and other costs associated with tenant disputes.

2. What does landlord insurance cover?

Landlord insurance typically covers damage to the property caused by tenants, legal fees, and other costs associated with tenant disputes. It may also cover loss of rental income due to tenant default, liability for injuries to tenants or guests, and damage to personal property owned by the landlord.

3. Who needs landlord insurance?

Landlord insurance is recommended for anyone who owns a rental property whose needs aren’t met by a traditional homeowners policy. It can provide financial protection in the event of a tenant-related loss and help cover the costs associated with tenant disputes.

4. How much does landlord insurance cost?

The cost of landlord insurance varies depending on the type of coverage and the property size. Generally, the cost of landlord insurance is based on the property’s value, the number of tenants, and the type of coverage.

5. What are the best landlord insurance companies in Texas and Florida?

The best landlord insurance companies vary depending on the type of coverage and the property size. Some top-rated companies include Steadily, Allstate, Farmers, Liberty Mutual, and USAA.

6. What is the most basic insurance policy available for rental properties?

The most basic policy available for rental properties is called a “landlord insurance policy.” It typically covers legal liabilities, physical damage to the property, and lost rent due to tenant defaults. It can also include additional coverage, such as living expenses, if the dwelling becomes uninhabitable due to unforeseen circumstances.

7. What is a landlord insurance policy called?

Allstate calls theirs a “Landlord Package” policy. GEICO calls theirs simply Landlord Insurance. Some insurance companies might not have a specific landlord insurance offering and will try to pigeonhole you into getting a homeowners insurance or condominium insurance policy (if that’s what you have). These policies may or may not be a good fit for you.

8. Is landlord insurance different from property insurance?


The Best Landlord Insurance Companies offer various coverage options to meet the needs of landlords. They provide comprehensive property damage, liability, and rental income protection coverage. They also offer additional coverage options such as tenant screening, legal defense, and more.

With the right coverage, landlords can protect their investments and ensure their rental properties are safe and secure.

The post The Best Landlord Insurance Companies appeared first on Part-Time Money®.

from Part-Time Money®


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