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State Stimulus Checks 2022: Who’s Getting What, When, and How?

The last few years have wrought havoc on people’s finances.

First, there was COVID, which cost approximately 9.6 million Americans their jobs. And now there’s inflation, which is currently hovering at around 8.3% after falling from its June peak of 9.1% – the highest it had been for 40 years.

Thankfully, the $5 trillion in stimulus packages helped people stay afloat throughout the pandemic. But that was in 2021.

This year, most struggling households have received little to no support… until now.

This time, 20 states are leaning on budget surpluses to issue one-time inflation relief checks to residents. Do you want to find out who’s getting what, when, and whether you can expect one of these payments too?

By now, most of the checks and deposits have started to go out. If you received one, check your state below to see the details, how the payments work, and whether you’ll get more.

Here is a quick summary of the 20 state stimulus checks issued in 2022:

Table of Contents
  1. 1. California
    1. Who is eligible?
    2. When will they get it?
    3. How much is the check?
  2. 2. Colorado
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  3. 3. Connecticut
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  4. 4. Delaware
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  5. 5. Florida
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  6. 6. Georgia
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  7. 7. Hawaii
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  8. 8. Idaho
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  9. 9. Illinois
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  10. 10. Indiana
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  11. 11. Maine
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  12. 12. Massachusetts
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  13. 13. New Jersey
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  14. 14. New Mexico
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  15. 15. New York
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  16. 16. Oregon
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  17. 17. Pennsylvania
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  18. 18. Rhode Island
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  19. 19. South Carolina
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?
  20. 20. Virginia
    1. When will they get it?
    2. Who is eligible?
    3. How much is the check?

1. California

Who is eligible?

Current residents who a) were a resident for at least six months in 2020, b) filed a 2020 tax return by October 15, 2021, c) couldn’t be claimed as a dependent, and d) meet the California adjusted gross income limits described here.

When will they get it?

Most people will receive California’s “Middle-Class Tax Refund” between now and mid-November. Everyone will have received their payment by January 2023.

How much is the check?

Between $200 and $1,500.

2. Colorado

When will they get it?

Most Colorado “Cash Back” payments were sent by September 30, 2022. Others will receive theirs by January 2023.

Who is eligible?

If you were a) a Coloradan resident for the entirety of 2021, b) 18+ years of age prior to December 31, 2021, and c) filed an income tax return last year (or applied for a Colorado PTC rebate). 

How much is the check?

$750 or $1,500, depending on the filing status on your 2021 tax return. These amounts are for single and joint filers, respectively.

3. Connecticut

When will they get it?

The state has been issuing “Child Tax Rebate” payments since late August.

Who is eligible?

Residents who claimed one or more children aged 18 or under as a dependent on last year’s federal income tax return, assuming their gross income didn’t exceed certain thresholds.

How much is the check?

$250 per child for a max payment of $750 (i.e. a maximum of 3 children). Smaller payments are available to people who earned over the aforementioned thresholds.

4. Delaware

When will they get it?

Delaware’s “Relief Rebate” was first issued in May this year. Additional rebates will be paid by October 17. Others can apply between November 1 and 30, 2022.

Access more info here.

Who is eligible?

Anyone who’s 18+, a resident, and who filed a 2020 and 2021 personal income tax return (or if you were identified via State Agency data).

How much is the check?


5. Florida

When will they get it?

A special one-time payment was issued to eligible residents by July 2022.

Contact the Florida Department of Children and Families at 850-300-4323 if you believe you should have received a check.

Who is eligible?

Foster parents, Guardianship Assistance Program participants, caregivers of a relative or non-relative, and/or recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

How much is the check?

$450 per family.

6. Georgia

When will they get it?

Eligible individuals should have received cash assistance in the form of a prepaid card by mid-October at the latest.

Who is eligible?

Recipients of Medicaid, PeachCare for Kids, SNAP, and/or TANF. For full details, check the Georgia State website.

How much is the check?

Up to $350 for each eligible individual in your household.

7. Hawaii

When will they get it?

The Act 115 tax refund was first issued in September 2022 and will continue into early 2023. The exact date depends on when you file/filed your tax return.

Who is eligible?

Hawaiian residents of at least 9 months who have filed their 2021 income tax return by December 31, 2022.

However, some people are ineligible. You’ll find full details here.

How much is the check?

Either $100 or $300 per eligible person, depending on factors like your filing status and gross income.

8. Idaho

When will they get it?

Idaho is paying out two rebates. The first was issued in March 2022; the second began at the end of September. Use this tool for more info.

Who is eligible?

You’re eligible if you’re a) a full-year resident who files their 2020 and 2021 income tax returns by the end of 2022 or b) submitted a grocery credit refund form.

How much is the check?

Varying amounts, depending on your status and income. Find the details here.

9. Illinois

When will they get it?

Illinois residents have been receiving two rebate payments since September 2022. These should continue for some time.

Who is eligible?

Eligibility hinges on having a gross income of less than $200,000 on your 2021 tax return. Residents who paid property tax may be eligible for the property tax rebate.

How much is the check?

Between $50 and $350, depending on your circumstances. Click here for more info.

10. Indiana

When will they get it?

Indiana’s paying two Automatic Taxpayer Refunds (ATRs) that should all be delivered by the end of October 2022.

Who is eligible?

You can receive the first and second ATR if you filed a 2020 tax return by January 3, 2022. Failing that, you can receive the 2nd ATR if you receive Social Security benefits and aren’t a dependent on anyone’s tax return.

How much is the check?

$125 and $200 for the first and second ATRs, respectively (although terms apply if you don’t qualify for the first).

11. Maine

When will they get it?

Maine’s COVID Pandemic Relief Payments were first issued in June 2022 and will continue until the end of October, depending on when you filed your 2021 tax return.

Who is eligible?

Full-year residents who a) file their 2021 tax return by October 31, b) earn under a certain income, and c) aren’t claimed as a dependent on anyone else’s return. You can check your status here.

How much is the check?

$850 per person.

12. Massachusetts

When will they get it?

The state should start issuing payments in November 2022. You can find relevant updates and information here.

Who is eligible?

Anyone who files their 2021 state income tax return on time (i.e. roughly October 17, 2022, for most people).

How much is the check?

This is as yet undecided, but it’s expected to be around 13% of your tax liability for the 2021 tax year.

13. New Jersey

When will they get it?

The first ANCHOR tax relief payments should be sent in spring 2023. 

Who is eligible?

You’re eligible if you owned or rented a primary home in NJ on October 1, 2019. However, 2019 income limits do apply. Find full details on their website.

How much is the check?

Between $450 and $1,500 depending on your income and status.

14. New Mexico

When will they get it?

New Mexico’s also issuing two tax rebates. The first was sent in July 2022; the second was issued in June and August.

You may receive further payments upon filing your 2021 tax return.

Who is eligible?

You must file a 2021 return by May 31, 2023, to be eligible. However, the filing status on your return determines whether or not you’ll receive anything.

Check their website for further information.

How much is the check?

Up to $1500.

15. New York

When will they get it?

NY’s “Homeowner Tax Rebate Credit” payments began in June 2022. Anyone yet to receive theirs can expect it before their local school tax bills are due.

Who is eligible?

NY homeowners who a) earned less than $250,000 in 2020, b) can receive a 2022 STAR credit/exemption, and c) owe more school tax than their STAR benefit.

How much is the check?

$425 or $970 on average, depending on various factors. Read more here.

16. Oregon

When will they get it?

Oregon’s “One-Time Assistance Payments” started in June and stopped at the end of July 2022.

Who is eligible?

Low-income adults who a) filed their 2020 income tax return by December 31, 2021, and b) claimed the state’s earned income tax credit on it.

How much is the check?

$600 per eligible household.

17. Pennsylvania

When will they get it?

Pennsylvania’s “Property Tax/Rent Rebate” payments started in August 2022 and will continue into 2023.

You must apply before the end of the year.

Who is eligible?

Residents who are a) aged 65 or above, b) aged 18+ and living with a disability, or c) at least 50 years old and widowed. Income limits apply. Visit the website for more info.

How much is the check?

Between $250 and $975.

18. Rhode Island

When will they get it?

Rhode Island’s “Child Tax Rebate” checks began rolling out on October 3 and will continue to be issued over time according to when you filed your 2021 tax return.

Who is eligible?

This depends on your filing status and income. You’ll find full details here.

How much is the check?

$250 per child for a maximum of 3 children. They must have been aged 18 or younger at the end of 2021.

19. South Carolina

When will they get it?

South Carolina’s tax rebate is being issued from October 17, 2022. The earlier you file, the sooner you’ll receive the rebate.

Who is eligible?

You’re eligible for it if you a) file a 2021 income tax return before October 17, 2022, and b) owe tax for that year. Their website has all the details.

How much is the check?

Amounts vary in relation to your income tax liability.

20. Virginia

When will they get it?

Virginia’s one-time tax rebate is being sent according to when the state receives your 2021 income tax return. You’ll find more info here.

Who is eligible?

Residents are eligible for this rebate if they a) file their 2021 income tax return by November 1, 2022, and b) owe tax.

How much is the check?

Payments are capped at $250 and $500 for single and joint filers, respectively. The amount you receive depends on your income tax liability.

The post State Stimulus Checks 2022: Who’s Getting What, When, and How? appeared first on Best Wallet Hacks.

from Best Wallet Hacks


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