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Top 10 Best Project Management Books You Should Have

Project management is the application of specific information, expertise, tools, and procedures to yield something of worth for people. We need to go deeper into the definition of a project to comprehend project management.

Projects are essentially short-term attempts to make a profit through distinctive goods, services, and procedures.

Project Management Books provide different strategies and tactics based on your project’s requirements.

Advanced project management systems, such as WP Project Manager, make it much easier to implement these ideas. Quality Project Management Books will show you how to create the most practical and feasible strategy for dealing with all types of projects and strategic objectives.

Key Takeaways

Here are our picks for the 10 best project management books:

  1. Strategic Project Management Made Simple: Practical Tools for Leaders and Teams
  2. The Getting Things Done Workbook: 10 Moves to Stress-Free Productivity
  3. Project Management For The Unofficial Project Manager
  4. The Lazy Project Manager: How To Be Twice As Productive And Still Leave The Office Early
  5. Project Management: Absolute Beginner’s Guide
  6. Business-Drives PMO Success Stories
  7. Project Management Body Of Knowledge
  8. Brilliant Project Management: What the Best Project Managers Know, Say, and Do
  9. Project Management Case Studies
  10. Doing Agile Right: Transformation Without Chaos

Top 10 books for project management

Hundreds of books have been produced on various aspects of project management. Here are the top 10 project management books that everyone interested in becoming a project manager should peruse.

1.  Strategic Project Management Made Simple: Practical Tools for Leaders and Teams

It is the primary book to combine a step-by-step procedure with a shared thinking tool for building projects and action initiatives. The book’s concept is that most initiatives and strategies fail because messy and out-of-date methods transform ideas into executable plans.

Management of Strategic Projects Made Simple establishes a solid basis based on four essential questions that teams must intelligently address to construct their robust and strategic foundation. These are the queries:

  • What are we trying to achieve and why?
  • How will success be determined?
  • What additional characteristics must be present?
  • What are our plans for getting there?

The four crucial questions in this book assist readers through developing a simple but powerful mental workbench known as “the Logical Framework” – a Coordination Thinking model that sets out one’s assignment plan in a readily available, interactive matrix. This book is distinguished by the presence of unique characteristics and concepts.

2.  The Getting Things Done Workbook: 10 Moves to Stress-Free Productivity

An approachable, applied how-to handbook that add-ons Getting Things Done by offering some specifics, how-to’s, and techniques for applying GTD more completely and readily in daily life.

The Getting Things Done Book is a book that provides step-by-step instructions for the GTD approach. Each chapter outlines a problem that the reader may be experiencing and discusses how to solve it. The book breaks down the technique into tiny, digestible chunks for better learning and practicing.

This book will teach you how to construct an organized and coherent framework, eliminate distractions, and create that organizational structure in the first place. Overall, it will set you up to complete the tasks you need.

3.  Project Management For The Unofficial Project Manager

Many employees handle projects on a regular basis in the workplace today, although they typically lack formal training in this area.

The authors refer to these workers as “unofficial project managers.” To assist them, the book provides realistic and valuable insights into the work and walks readers through the principles of managing people and processes.

It also discusses the value of leadership and how important individuals are to success. This book is written in a very logical fashion, making it extremely simple to grasp. It offers some excellent suggestions for tools to codify procedures. The examples given therein are likewise quite simple and uncomplicated.

4.  The Lazy Project Manager: How To Be Twice As Productive And Still Leave The Office Early

Peter Taylor, the author demonstrates in what way one may do additional without spending more time and energy.

He calls this strategy “productive laziness,” which allows one to focus on efforts that are truly necessary rather than hurrying around with meaningless tasks that others can handle.

‘The Lazy Project Manager’ shows how anyone may employ simple lazy program management tactics in their daily work.

Peter Taylor demonstrates how a more comprehensive attitude to life, projects, and work may potentially quadruple your productivity. This “productive laziness” method is founded on the Pareto principle, which states that 80% of the causes result in 20% of the results.

This book also supports choosing projects, maintaining attention, completing them successfully, and taking breaks. This book offers humor and perspective for project managers who may struggle to find time in their hectic schedules.

5.  Project Management: Absolute Beginner’s Guide

Author Greg Horine wrote this masterpiece. His book provides essential advice that is both useful and practical for completing any work successfully. This book covers all fundamental project management principles clearly, and in a non-technical manner.

Standard project management blunders, practical strategies, the establishment of high-performance project teams, and advice on how to handle challenging real-world circumstances are all covered in this book.

6.  Business-Drives PMO Success Stories

The sequel to Mark Price Pery’s book Business motivated PMO Setup is Business Focused PMO Success Stories. Unlike other books, which only deal with theory, more than half of this one is made up of case studies.

 PMO executives outline the many problems they encounter when completing projects and the actions they take to overcome them.

The results of which are mentioned in this book. It contains accounts from massive firms and numerous tiny ones about which we know nothing. By reading such statements, one may learn a lot about management

7.  Project Management Body Of Knowledge

The project management industry acknowledges the PMBOK, or Project Management Body of Knowledge, as the comprehensive set of processes, best practices, terminology, and recommendations. Companies respect PMBOK because it allows them to standardize procedures across several divisions, alter systems to fit specific needs, and minimize project failures.

The PMBOK of the Project Management Institute (PMI) is a document that covers best practices, standard terminology, and process concepts for project management (PMI).

8.  Brilliant Project Management: What the Best Project Managers Know, Say, and Do

Project management is laden with hazards; incomplete and failed projects thrive. In reality, project failure is more often than not. Spiraling expenses and missing targets are just part of the job for numerous project managers.

This book is an excellent place to start if you need to study more about project management. It was created by two project managers who can provide you with real-world instances of what happened in their firms.

That way, you’ll obtain practical guidance and knowledge that you can start implementing for yourself. It distills almost 30 years of hands-on experience in project management into simple, clever, and experimental procedures.

9.   Project Management Case Studies

Harold uses over 100 case examples from well-known firms to describe various methods to project management. There are 21 chapters in all, with a question section after each. In the most recent issue, you’ll discover case studies on Disney, the Olympics, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, and the Airbus a380.

It also provides case studies on agile and scrum approaches. It teaches you about project methods, implementation strategies, organizational structure and culture, salary administration, and other topics.

This book will provide you with Professional Training experience. You’ll learn how to estimate project costs, negotiate for resources, manage project risks, and file project management lawsuits.

10.  Doing Agile Right: Transformation Without Chaos

Doing Agile Right explores deeper into what it means for a firm to be agile. The book covers the divisions that benefit from agile implementation, including those that should be creative at their heart and others that thrive under traditional bureaucracy’s careful eye. It’s a must-read for everyone who wants to implement Agile.

Agile is all about motivating people to be adaptable in the face of change in an uncertain environment.

The Agile project management technique refers to an agile manner of both software development and information. The method is built on continuous planning, learning, growth, cooperation, evolutionary progress, and early delivery.

The writers chose not to focus on a specific framework because it would only benefit a subset of its readers. The authors of Doing Agile Right explain how agile works and when it doesn’t.

They also discuss the significance of adequately scaling agile to realize its full benefits. Agile is a solid technique for offering outstanding outcomes to a business, but it must be done correctly.


A fundamental foundation is required for individuals just starting out in project management. These books will teach you the basic steps that will get you started on the right foot. As a result, your first project should be a more positive experience that sets you up for success.

They’ll raise your level till you’re an expert, and then they’ll keep you up to date. Each of these publications will supply you with more knowledge to help you advance your project management abilities.

The post Top 10 Best Project Management Books You Should Have appeared first on CFAJournal.

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