Buying your first house might be the biggest financial investment that you’ve ever made to this point in your life, and possibly the most complicated. In addition to determining if you’re making a sound financial investment, owning your home is just as much an emotional decision. That’s because where you choose to live affects things like who you will meet and become friends with, your daily commute, your children’s friends and education and so much more. While there is no one-size-fits-all decision for deciding if you should buy a house now, there are a few things that you’ll want to keep in mind when making that decision. What to Consider Before Buying a House Here are a few of the most important things to consider before buying a house : Savings — Make sure you have enough money saved up not only for a down payment but for costs that come with being a homeowner Location — Location, location, location — there’s a reason that’s one of the most common real estate maxims. Check...
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