Teachers Federal Credit Union was my first bank account (OK, technically it’s a credit union). I grew up in Stony Brook on Long Island and my mom worked for the school district, so as wise financially savvy individuals we opted for our local credit union. Teachers Federal Credit Union had a branch near our home and I remember going in to open the account. It took maybe half an hour and I left with a little green piece of paper that had my name, account number, and the bank’s routing number. I remember thinking that it was odd that I had a “share draft account” and not a “checking account,” but that’s just credit union nomenclature. Fast forward several decades (👀!) and I get to write about how they have a new checking account promotion – and a pretty sizable one at that. Teachers Federal Credit Union is NCUA insured ( NCUA# 8116 ) so your money is protected there, as it is in every insured credit union or bank (via FDIC). With that out of the way, here are the details of their pro...
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