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How to Prepare When Leaving an Abusive Relationship With No Money

Note: This article doesn’t contain any depiction of physical or sexual violence, but does detail financial and emotional abuse in relationships. Lisa Orban was married to her abuser for three years. In 1990, she left after he threatened to kill her and their two young children. She was 20 years old. Her financial situation in the marriage? “Bad, in a nutshell,” she recalled. Her husband was the main breadwinner, and he managed the family’s finances. “Whenever there was a chance that I might make enough money or make more money than him or do anything to upset his financial apple cart, so to speak, he would come in and sabotage it,” she said. She lost multiple jobs because of his meddling. Orban moved with him from her hometown in Illinois to Arizona for college, where she’d won a four-year scholarship to study psychology. Before she could start, he contacted the university and told them she’d decided to drop out. “Imagine my surprise when I go to registration day and find out t

Getting My Finances Together: Where Do I Even Start?

If you’ve decided to take control of your finances, you might be wondering how to start and what are the first things that you’ll want to do. If this sounds like where you are in your life, first of all, congratulations! Deciding to take control of getting your finances is one of the smartest financial decisions you can make. Getting control of your finances is the first step towards achieving the financial life that you’ve always wanted. Decide to start Actually deciding to start is probably the most important step, so if you’re already there you are one step ahead of many others out there. An important next step can be to share your journey with others. You don’t have to tell the entire world all of the details about your financial situation, but there is value in not just keeping this all in your head. Remember that goals that aren’t written down are just wishes. So write your decision down and share it with a trusted friend or family member. After you’ve decided to start getting

6 (Totally Wrong) Ways We've Had Money Mansplained to Us

Some of the links in this post are from our sponsors. We provide you with accurate, reliable information. Learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners . On a scale of one to 10, how much do you loathe mansplaining? Personally, it’s an 11, taking the top spot over manspreading and bropropriating but barely squeaking past manterrupting. Just thinking about the unsolicited — or downright wrong — advice us women sometimes have to listen to sends chills down my spine. It’s especially bad when it comes to financial advice. Studies show women are increasingly becoming the major financial decision-makers in their homes. So thanks, but we’ve heard enough “oh, sweetie” and “let the men handle it” for a lifetime. Here are some of the most nonsensical financial mansplanations we’ve heard in person and online — yes, they’re real — and what us financially savvy women know to do instead. 1. ‘Cash is King, So Don’t Pay Your Credit Card in Full.’ Sounds like this guy is

Micro-Investing Defined & How to Get Started

Myth: You need lots of money to start investing. Micro-investing apps are giving everyday people access to the stock market for as little as $5. Micro-investing allows you to start small — really small. Apps like Acorns and Stash work by transferring small sums of money from your bank account to a diversified investment portfolio. Research shows that these tiny money moves can really add up. According to a recent consumer study by Cornerstone Advisors, saving and investing apps like Acorns, Digit, and Qapital helped consumers save an average of $600 a year above their standard level of savings — and one in five users saved more than $1,000. Is a micro-investing app right for you? The answer depends on your financial goals and income. What is Micro-Investing? Micro-investing allows you to automatically allocate small amounts of money into a portfolio of stocks and bonds — even if you know nothing about investing. This fintech term applies to a handful of mobile-based platforms

It’s Easier than You Think to Refinance Your Car Loan and Save Money

Some of the links in this post are from our sponsors. We provide you with accurate, reliable information. Learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners . If you’re like most people, you’ve probably never thought about refinancing your car loan. Seriously, is that even a thing that people do? It’s not like it’s a mortgage. Wouldn’t that be a huge hassle? How much money could you actually save that way, anyway? But this under-used strategy really can save some serious cash — and it’s not hard to do at all. Lantern by SoFi is a loan-comparison site that makes it easy to compare refinancing options from a network of top lenders. How much could you save? Just look and see. It won’t cost you anything to look. Cut Your Auto Loan Down to Size While we weren’t looking, auto loans have become a serious burden on our households. The size of the average auto loan has soared to more than $35,000, according to Experian. Americans are approaching an average payment o

6 Best Free Checking Accounts of 2021

Some of the links in this post are from our sponsors. We provide you with accurate, reliable information. Learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners . Too many of us are settling for less-than-satisfactory  checking accounts . (Just look at the folks complaining on Twitter!) We’re still forking over so many bank fees. The average overdrafter hands over about $350 a year in overdraft fees alone, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. That doesn’t even account for ATM network fees, monthly maintenance fees and minimum balance fees. In reality, there are a ton of free checking account options out there; you just might not be looking in the right places ( ahem ,  online banks !). No need to spend hours researching, though. We did that for you. 6 Best Free Checking Accounts Account Top Feature ATM access NBKC Everything Account Checking, savings in one 37,000+ SEE DETAILS Varo Money Banking Account Excellent ba

What Is a Cryptocurrency Exchange? A Beginner’s Guide for 2022

At one time the concept of owning digital money probably sounded strange and unattainable, but after the rise of popularity in cryptocurrency in recent years, many have chosen to own and invest in this type of currency. If you’re curious about cryptocurrency trading for beginners, you might be asking yourself, “What is a cryptocurrency exchange?” What Is a Cryptocurrency Exchange? If you’re wondering where to buy cryptocurrency, using a cryptocurrency exchange platform is likely where you’ll start your investment journey. Cryptocurrency exchanges are online platforms used to buy and sell cryptocurrency. These platforms are intermediaries between the buyer and seller, allowing users to trade cryptocurrencies using fiat money or altcoins. Many investors opt to use cryptocurrency exchanges due to their relatively low trading fees. However, keep in mind that some platforms might not be beginner-friendly, tending to overwhelm users, particularly those who are not familiar with trading