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15 Ways to Spend Your FSA Money

If you’ve got a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), you may be wondering how to spend your FSA money before the end of the year comes around. In this article, we’ll share several ways to spend your FSA money on qualifying medical expenses you might not know are FSA-eligible.  Table of Contents What Is an FSA? What Are the Contribution/Spending Rules for FSA Money? FSA Carryover Rules How To Use Up Your FSA Money 1. Acupuncture 2. Gel Inserts 3. Prescription Sunglasses 4. Chiropractor Visits 5. Sleep Aids 6. Acne Medicine 7. Baby Products 8. Family Planning Products 9.Certain Dental Costs 9. Alcohol and Tobacco Cessation Products and Programs 10. Vacation Supplies 11. Service Animals  12. Insurance Premiums Final Thoughts on Spending FSA Funds What Is an FSA? A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) works together with your employer’s health insurance plan. The funds in the account, deposited via payroll contribution, can cover various medical expenses. Much like t

5 Women on Things They Wish They Knew About Finances Sooner

For many women around the world, we’ve experienced so much trial and error as it relates to finances. The transitions in life begin in our adolescent years which develop our ideals about money. As we mature, we quickly realize that our wants and needs naturally change over time, directly impacting our money goals. There’s no better way to learn about finances as a woman than from other women – take a look at these key lessons and begin these discussions with other women in your life. Money Mindset Shannah Compton Game, Certified Financial Planner and Host of Millennial Money Podcast I wish I had understood the power of my money mindset and the role that plays in financial success. After spending 12 years as a Certified Financial Planner working with clients, I quickly saw that the one thing separating most people from achieving their money goals was their mindset; how they think, act and feel about their money. I wish I had understood that my money journey isn’t meant to be linear.

17 Tips for Getting a Job Out of College

As if adulting wasn’t enough, juggling final exams, project deadlines, and a social life, along with worrying about getting a job out of college, can make the last few months of your senior year feel overwhelming. The good news is you’re not alone. Many graduates feel like they can’t find a job after college. In fact, 66 percent of them are not very optimistic that they’ll get a job that will fit their career goals. Although searching for jobs after graduation can be stressful, learning how you can prepare for the job market can lift some weight off your shoulders. If you want to learn how to navigate the job search and dodge common mistakes recent grads make, this guide will help you better prepare for the future. You can also check out the Game of Life After College in our infographic below. The Current Landscape for Getting a Job After College Is it hard to get a job after college? There’s not a concrete answer to this, since each person has their own set of skills and exper

Avoid These 3 Common Cybersecurity Pitfalls

It’s not that you try to be unsafe online, but it’s easy to get careless when you surf the web. You might log into your bank account online while using public Wi-Fi, possibly exposing your password and username to a cybercriminal. Or maybe you use the same password at every financial site you visit on the web, making it easier for hackers to access your credit cards and bank accounts. You might even open an attachment in an email that you think has been sent by your bank. When you do, your computer is flooded with malware. Little things — like creating strong passwords, avoiding public Wi-Fi, using a virtual private network, and being cautious of what you’re downloading, opening, and sending — can help you protect your personal finances. Ready to boost your cybersecurity? Here’s what you need to know. [H2]3 areas to protect yourself online Cybersecurity is an important issue. And those who don’t protect themselves risk exposing their personal and financial information. So how do yo

Your Guide to the Ray Dalio All-Weather Portfolio

Is there a portfolio that will enable you to money every year and in all economic, financial, and market environments? Unfortunately, not. But one portfolio strategy – Ray Dalio’s All-Weather Portfolio – offers something all investors will welcome: the potential of positive returns in years when growth-oriented investment strategies are in steep decline. That’s hardly a surprise when you consider that the All-Weather Portfolio’s primary founder, Ray Dalio , is the chief investment officer for Bridgewater Associates , the largest hedge fund in the world. Hedge funds, after all, are in the business of mitigating risk. That comes in mighty handy when the financial markets are misbehaving. And that’s exactly what makes the All-Weather Portfolio so interesting. Table of Contents What Is the All-Weather Portfolio? Who Is Ray Dalio and What Is Bridgewater Associates? How the All-Weather Portfolio Works Investment Allocations for Each of the Four Market Environments All-Weather Portf

The 6 Best Print-on-Demand Sites for Artists in 2021

In a perfect world, artists wouldn’t have to worry about making money. They would spend their days creating, and cash would simply appear. Last we checked, we don’t live in a perfect world. But print-on-demand services make it a little bit better by giving creators a way to share their work and let the payments roll in. How Print-On-Demand Sites Work You upload an image of your creation. The site walks you through the steps of setting up an online store displaying products printed with your image — depending on the site, you can pick anything from posters to keychains to framed art prints. Customers buy your products. The platform handles manufacturing, shipping, and returns. You get paid. For Scotland-based freelance illustrator Flora Kirk, who makes bold, colorful illustrations inspired by ancient Mediterranean mythology, these services helped monetize a passion. “I was creating art anyway, so why not make some profit from my work!” she told The Penny Hoarder. Kirk can sell ever

Money Dials: The Reason You Spend the Way You Do According to Ramit Sethi

I always say, “Show me a person’s calendar and I’ll show you their priorities.” Well, I have a newer version of that: Show me a person’s spending , and I can show you what they love. I spent years talking to people about their spending habits, and I boiled them down to 10 “Money Dials.” They’re called Money Dials because you can “tune” them up or down — just like a dial. If you were to look at someone else’s spending for 10 minutes, you would instantly know what their Money Dial was. And if I were to look at your spending, I could tell you what yours is. Money Dials allow you to understand why people make the choices they do … and then go deeper than you ever thought possible. I find Money Dials fascinating for several reasons: People go where their time and money go. For example, fit people spend time and money to be fit. Fashionable people spend time and money reading fashion magazines and shopping. The most fascinating part is when we’re misaligned. For example, some people say