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How to Pay for Fertility Treatments

Bringing a child into the world may be priceless, but fertility treatments are anything but. This high price tag can put aspiring parents into a tough position, forcing them to choose between starting a family and avoiding massive amounts of debt.  Thankfully, there are several strategies you can use to reduce or eliminate the need to borrow money for fertility treatments. Here are some of the best options, along with some advice for those who find themselves needing to take on debt to pay the remaining costs. Understand your insurance coverage In 15 states, insurance companies are required to provide some amount of fertility coverage. This depends on the exact state. If you live in one of these states , look at your specific insurance policy and see what they offer.  Some employers also provide fertility coverage, even if the state doesn’t require it. Major companies like Starbucks, Apple and Amazon provide comprehensive fertility coverage for qualifying employees. Check your ins

What Careers Are Recession Proof?

No matter how confident you are about the future of the economy, it’s clear that the average consumer is feeling nervous. A June 2022 survey from MagnifyMoney found that 70% of Americans think a recession is coming .  But a recession affects everyone differently, and there are some professions that tend to thrive even when the economy dips. Read below to learn about the 10 most recession-proof careers. Top 10 Recession-Proof Jobs When a recession occurs, the economy shrinks and businesses suffer. Many industries start laying off workers, sometimes in huge droves. But not all jobs are similarly impacted during a recession. Some fields are temporarily destroyed, like those in hospitality, tourism or other industries that depend on consumers having excess income. Other fields are left mostly unscathed. Keep reading to see which jobs are recession-proof.  Nurses Since the Covid-19 pandemic began, the nationwide nursing shortage has only gotten worse. And as the Baby Boomer population

Hidden Inflation: What is Shrinkflation, Skimpflation and Greedflation

As inflation continues to dominate the headlines, you may have started to hear about the concepts of shrinkflation, skimpflation and greedflation. These are subtle ways in which companies attempt to either minimize or take advantage of the impact that inflation has on consumer expectations. It’s important to understand these concepts in order to avoid being manipulated. Let’s take a look at each one in a little more detail. What is Shrinkflation? The traditional concept of inflation refers to paying more than you would previously for the same item. The concept of shrinkflation refers to paying the same amount as you were before, but receiving a smaller size.  For example, let’s say you paid $5 for an 18-ounce jar of peanut butter last year. But now, you’re paying $5 for a 15-ounce jar of peanut butter. While the final price hasn’t changed, you’re receiving less than you were before.  Shrinkflation is often harder to spot than traditional inflation because it’s difficult to compar

Preparing for Labor Day Celebrations On a Budget

Labor Day, celebrated in the United States on the first Monday in September, is often considered the end of the summer season. As kids go back to school and the weather gets colder, it is common to celebrate with barbecues and other types of get-togethers. The Monday holiday means that many have a long weekend as well. If you are trying to stick to a budget but still want to celebrate Labor Day, here are a few ways to prepare and have fun on a budget. Host a Potluck If you have an annual tradition of a Labor Day cookout that you don’t want to break, there are a few things you can do to keep your tradition strong while trying to save some money. One idea is to make it a potluck. You can have all your guests bring a side dish or dessert, while you provide the main course. Depending on how many guests you are planning to host, you might consider organizing a signup so that you make sure that you’ll have a good variety of appetizers, side dishes, salads and desserts. Another idea is to

How Much Does Long-Term Care Insurance Cost?

Average Cost of Long-Term Care Insurance As a baseline, the average cost of long-term care insurance for a 55-year-old man and 55-year-old woman annually is $950 and $1,500 , respectively. When it comes to your financial future , there’s nothing more responsible than staying prepared for the unexpected — including budgeting for long-term care insurance. Nearly 70% of people over the age of 65 will need this type of aid in their remaining years, whether that means residing in a long-term care facility or having a live-in nurse help you with daily tasks.  Use this long-term health insurance cost guide to answer common questions such as: What is long-term care insurance? How much does long-term care insurance cost? What does long-term care insurance cover?  Here you’ll find average long-term care premiums and even information on how to secure a long-term care insurance policy that’s best for your wallet.  What Is Long-Term Care Insurance?  Long-term care insurance provides f

Net Income Formula: How To Calculate Net Income

What Is the Formula for Net Income? Net Income = Total Revenue – Total Expenses No matter how much you love what you do, it’s likely you’re working for one reason: money. If you run your own business , you know the ongoing expenses that can eat into your pockets. From employee wages to office supplies, it can be overwhelming to understand how much you’ll actually take home after all these expenses. Before you phone your accountant , there is one metric that can help you assess your company’s financial success: net income . And the best part is, you don’t have to be a math whiz to figure it out. Instead, you’ll just need the net income formula. To learn more about net income and how you can calculate it yourself, follow this comprehensive guide. What Is Net Income? Net income is the total amount of money a business earns after paying all taxes and expenses in a given period.  You can use this number to: Calculate a business’s earnings per share Assess a business’s financ

Chapter 09: How to Calculate Your Return on Investment (ROI)

So far in our investing series, we’ve covered a lot of important topics about investing, such as the different types of investments , the benefits of investing, how to invest in real estate, and more. These are all necessary topics that you need to know so that you can have a solid grasp of how investing works. And in this chapter, we’ll be discussing how to calculate ROI. The goal of this chapter is to provide you with a basic understanding of how to calculate return on investment , or ROI. ROI is a metric that is used to evaluate the profitability of an investment . It’s a ratio that compares how much you paid for an investment versus how much you earned from it. Knowing how to calculate ROI is crucial so that you can understand the efficiency of your investments and make smarter financial decisions. And fortunately, you can use an investment calculator to help you calculate your ROI. To learn more about how to calculate ROI and how you can use our investment calculator to do so, c