Your credit score indicates your creditworthiness. It’s a number that tells creditors your level of risk. Many businesses, including insurance companies, phone companies, credit cards, and loan and mortgage providers, review your credit score when determining if they should issue you a policy, loan, or service—along with the rates and terms you’re eligible for. The higher your number, the less risky you are, meaning you have a better chance of receiving approval. Your credit score is one of the three key factors that determine your overall financial health . That’s why it’s important that you always have a general idea of what your credit score is. But how do you check your credit score? Checking your credit score isn’t as challenging as it may seem, and once you know how, the process becomes faster and easier each time. Several methods are available for checking your credit . Review the options below to determine which one makes the most sense for you. In this chapter, we’ll be goi...
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