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How to Earn a Degree on the Company Dime

If you’ve been thinking about going back to school in 2022, you’ve probably considered earning that degree while continuing to work full or part-time. But that’s not the only way your employer can help to fund your tuition. Many companies offer tuition reimbursement programs as part of their employee benefits package. If higher education is on your New Year’s resolution list, here are 9 companies that may be willing to foot the bill. What is Tuition Reimbursement? Tuition reimbursement is an employer benefit that partially or completely covers the cost of a high school, college or other kind of education. Most employers will only pay for bachelor’s degrees, while a few will also cover a master’s degree, certificate or GED. Companies that offer full tuition assistance generally require employees to attend a college or university that they have a relationship with, but not all employers have this requirement. While many large companies offer tuition reimbursement or assistance, som...

How to Use the Debt Lasso Method to Pay Off Debt Faster

Ready to wrangle in that credit card debt? If the debt avalanche and snowball methods leave you feeling a bit cold when you think of all the interest you’ll end up paying, consider the debt lasso method. Developed by David Auten and John Schneider, also known as the Debt Free Guys , the debt lasso method involves corralling your high-interest debt into a low-interest one so you can pay down the principal balance more quickly — and for less money. Want to learn more? Auten and Schneider told us all about the debt lasso, including who it can help the most — and who shouldn’t use it. What Is the Debt Lasso Method? If you’ve read about other debt payoff methods, you might be wondering if the lasso method is just a balance transfer . Auten and Schneider get that question a lot. “The reality is that a central piece of the process is doing some sort of consolidation — whether that’s a balance transfer to a zero-interest credit card or a low-interest loan,” Auten said. “But a lot of peo...

How to Start a New Career: 9 Career Change Tips for 2022

You probably had to pick a career field early in life, but what happens if you later realize it’s not right for you? If you’re wondering how to start a new career, either later in life or after trying different jobs , you’re not alone. In 2021, an increasing number of people started to rethink their careers and long-term goals, leading to the Great Resignation — a 20 percent increase in resignations compared to 2020. If you’re ready to shift careers, but you’re thinking to yourself, “How do I start a new career at 40?,” we’ll show you just how — no matter what age you might be. In this guide, you will not only learn tips to start a new career in 2022, but you might also come away motivated by some celebrity success stories. From chemists-turned-actors to an ice skater-turned-fashion icon, we’ve got the notables covered. What Does Starting a New Career Mean? Starting a new career means changing jobs, whether it is a new role or in a new industry. This is a chance to explore new pat...

How Many Credit Cards Is Too Many?

After a big spending spree you might ask yourself, “Do I have too many credit cards?” Like most things, the answer isn’t cut and dry. And although having multiple credit cards isn’t necessarily bad, there is such a thing as having too many, especially depending on how you’re using them and which ones you have. We spoke to several finance experts to find out just how many credit cards you should keep in your wallet, which ones, and how to manage them for the best results. Here’s what they had to say. How Many Credit Cards Is Too Many? Ever hear the expression “too much of a good thing?” Well the same can be said for the number of credit cards in your wallet. Brian Dechesare, founder and CEO of Breaking Into Wall Street explains: “In 2020 the average number of credit cards per adult in America was three, according to an Experian report . While it’s not a bad thing in and of itself to have multiple credit cards, it’s certainly possible to have too many — and it all depends on ho...

18 Great Jobs For Retirees for Flexibility and Extra Cash

Quick Navigation 18 Part-time Jobs for Retirees Substitute Teaching School Support Tutoring School Bus Driver Shuttle Bus Driver Conducting Tours Patient Advocate Child Care Provider Virtual Assistant Bookkeeper Umpire and Referee Pet Sitter and Dog Walker Freelance Writer Call Center Worker Freelance Bartender Personal Shopper Security Guard Seasonal Worker Who even knows what “retired’’ means anymore? You might have left the career you had in the 40-hour-a-week workforce. But now you don’t exactly want to be glued to your couch watching puppy videos. You want to be active, you want to work, and you want to make a little money to support your fun retirement plans. While “retirement income’’ or “retirement job” might seem like oxymorons, they are a more reasonable pursuit today than in years past due to advancing life expectancies and improved health among older citizens. Many people reach so-called retirement age and are in no way done with being productive...

VTSAX vs. VTI: Which Will Get You to FIRE Faster?

FIRE – financial independence, retire early – is becoming an increasingly popular personal goal. Though it’s been gaining momentum in recent years, the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has perhaps turned it into an imperative for more people. Achieving at least the ability to withdraw from the job market is becoming a more valuable option in the face of a macro-level crisis. But achieving FIRE status requires a combination of consistent savings and investing. And because you’ll need to earn more than the interest banks are paying, that means investing in the stock market to get much higher returns. Even if you know nothing about investing, you can invest in the entire stock market through two top-rated funds, VTSAX and VTI. Table of Contents VTSAX, VTI, and FIRE VTSAX vs. VTI at a Glance What is the VTSAX? VTSAX 10 Largest Holdings VTSAX Pros & Cons What is the VTI? VTI 10 Largest Holdings VTI Pros & Cons Mutual Fund vs. ETF Where to Invest in VTSAX or VTI ...