When you have amassed a certain level of wealth, different strategies start to make sense. One of those strategies is to rely on loans. But debt is supposed be bad right? Not always. This is the key concept behind the Buy, Borrow, Die Strategy – you borrow against your appreciated assets to get access to cash. If you read the post and understand the concept, you might be wondering if you could take advantage of this. You most certainly can. In this post, I’ll show you how you can utilize the same strategy as the wealthy to get liquidity without selling appreciated assets and triggering capital gains. Table of Contents Check What Your Broker Offers Charles Schwab Pledged Asset Line Wealthfront Portfolio Line of Credit Ally Invest Margin Account Private Investment Advisors Yes, This is Just a Margin Account Consider Home Equity Loans What To Watch Out For To recap, the basic strategy of Buy Borrow Die is that rather than selling an appreciated asset, like shares of...
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