Some of the links in this post are from our sponsors. We provide you with accurate, reliable information. Learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners . So, you thought 2020 was bad? Just wait! OK, we’re kidding. Obviously, 2021 should turn out way better than 2020 did, right? There’s no way it could be worse, right? Right? Welllllllll… we hate to sound like pessimists, but if there’s one thing life has taught us, it’s that things can always get worse. Maybe COVID’s sequel shows up. Maybe the economy crashes again. Maybe our weird politics get even weirder. Maybe aliens land in Times Square. Just in case, we’ve got some proactive moves you should make to protect your bank account in case things go south. Before the next crisis gets going, let’s get started with the protective measures: 1. Save Up An Emergency Fund This past year has taught us the hard way that everyone should have an emergency fund. You need a place where you can safely stash your sav...
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