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How to Trade Stocks (and find out if trading is right for you)

Contrary to what Hollywood would have you believe, trading stocks isn’t a matter of putting on your favorite power suit, picking up a phone, and screaming “SELL! SELL! SELL!” Instead of trying to  buy and sell hot stocks  in the hopes of striking it rich, I suggest you reframe: Investing is a  long-term  strategy to help ensure your financial future. In fact, it’s the single most crucial thing you can do today to make sure you’re ready for retirement and other savings goals. The sooner you start, the easier it is to make long-term goals.  But I get it. We’ve been led to believe a lot of different things about stocks. Some of them are positive (“you can get rich by trading stocks!”), some of them not so much (“stocks are risky, ESPECIALLY with the recession/depression/financial-crisis-of-the-week just around the corner!”). Luckily, most of that noise is just that. There are more than 100 years of evidence that suggests that by investing in the stock market, you’ll be able to grow

2020 Destroyed Your Personal Cash Flow. Here’s How to Rescue It

If you’re like most of us, 2020 did a number on your cash flow. What is cash flow , you ask? We’re so glad you asked! Cash flow refers to the money that’s constantly moving into and out of your bank account. Your paychecks (assuming you have work) flow in, and your payments (for food, housing and everything else) flow out. For many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic has torn a hole in our finances, mucking everything up. Whatever has your cash flow bottled up, we’ve got six suggestions for improving it, one step at a time. 1. Stop Paying Your Credit Card Company Credit card debt will destroy your cash flow. And the truth is, your credit card company doesn’t really care. It’s just getting rich by ripping you off with high interest rates. But a website called AmOne wants to help. If you owe your credit card companies $50,000 or less, AmOne will match you with a low-interest loan you can use to pay off every single one of your balances. The benefit? You’ll be left with one bill to pay e

3 Legitimate Car Wrap Advertising Jobs

For heavy commuters, drivers doing gig work and those looking for passive income opportunities, car wrap advertising is a fairly straightforward way to pull in some extra money with little effort. Just make sure the advertising company is legitimate. It’s no secret that the car wrap advertising industry is plagued by scammers. They may email or text message you: You’ve been selected for an advertising campaign! You’ll earn hundreds of dollars a week! The premise isn’t a total fraud, but – spoiler alert – you’re not going to earn hundreds per week . Even the largest and best-paying companies don’t pay that much. Still, you could potentially rake in up to hundreds of dollars per month by getting your car wrapped. Here’s what car wrap advertising is, how to sign up with legit companies and how to steer clear of scammers. What Is Car Wrap Advertising? Car wrap advertising is an out-of-home (OOH) advertisement method that is likely to conjure up images of motorsports cars. But you do

9 Best Online Checking Accounts of 2021

Some of the links in this post are from our sponsors. We provide you with accurate, reliable information. Learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners . When customers grew tired of high cable and satellite bills, streaming giants Netflix and Hulu entered the playing field. When customers lamented their experiences with taxis, Uber and Lyft offered a new way to get around town. And when customers saw that their financial institutions were not working with their best interests in mind, online bank accounts came onto the scene to offer more. The best online checking accounts offer members lower fees (or sometimes even no fees) and higher interest rates than their traditional bank and credit union competitors. They also have responsive websites and advanced mobile apps to provide the same convenience of in-person banking on the go. And despite what you might think about an account that is entirely online, they are incredibly safe. (Lack of safety is just one