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How to Convert Visa Gift Cards to Cash

Gift cards are great, especially when you get them for free . But sometimes, you just need cold, hard cash to pay the rent, send a friend some money, or catch up on some bills. The good news is that there are several options for converting Visa gift cards to cash. In this article, I’ll show you how to get the most bang for your gift card buck. Ready? Let’s get started! Table of Contents 10 Ways to Convert Visa Gift Cards to Cash 1. Sell Your Gift Card on Facebook Marketplace 2. Convert Your Gift Card to PayPal Or Venmo Cash 3. Buy a Money Order with Your Visa Gift Card 4. Sell Your Visa Gift Card to an Exchange Kiosk 5. Sell Your Visa Gift Card to a Loved One 6. Offer the Visa Gift Card for Sale at Work Alternatives to Converting Visa Gift Card into Cash 7. Regift Your Visa Gift Card 8. Use Your Visa Gift Card to Pay Bills 9. Purchase Necessity Items With Your Visa Gift Card 10. Practice Retail Arbitrage Visa Gift Card FAQs Final Thoughts 10 Ways to Convert Vi

The power of non-monetary investments

The Get Rich Slowly summer of books continues! Today's excerpt comes from Jordan Grumet, better known in the FIRE world as Doc G, host of the Earn & Invest Podcast . When he's not talking about money, Jordan is a real-life hospice doc. His new book, Taking Stock , offers lessons from the dying to the living. The following is from Taking Stock by Jordan Grumet with permission from Ulysses Press. Copyright © 2022 by Jordan Grumet. This passage has been edited to be more readable on the web. I used to have a patient who was an undertaker. We had many conversations about philosophy and practicality, and it didn’t take long for me to realize that one must gain profound insights from being engaged in such a unique business. As I was often fond of saying: When the undertaker speaks, you should really listen. Those of us who have made death and dying our business may seem unlikely investment advisers, but because both the undertaker and myself have spent extensive time in clo

What Is the Net Investment Income Tax?

If you earn over $200,000 per year, you may be subject to the net investment income tax (NIIT), an additional tax levied on the investment income of taxpayers considered to be high income. In some parts of the country, particularly the big coastal cities, an individual requires a $200,000 income just to achieve a middle-class lifestyle. But even if you consider yourself “only middle-class,” you may be subject to this tax – if not now, soon. This article will explain how the NIIT works, and give you some tips on how to reduce the potential expense. Table of Contents What Is the Net Investment Income Tax? An Example of the Net Investment Income Tax How to Avoid the Net Investment Income Tax Increase Your Retirement Contributions How to Lower Your Investment Income Final Thoughts on the NIIT What Is the Net Investment Income Tax? The  Net Investment Income Tax, or NIIT , was created to help fund the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and went into effect in 2013. Essentially,

Understanding Types of Investment Return

Investment returns come in several forms. The terminology of returns can be confusing to new and seasoned investors alike. Understanding the different types of investment returns is essential for investors to evaluate investment performance and make informed investment decisions. Additionally, understanding investment returns helps investors with tax management. Here is a primer on investment returns, which may be beneficial for investors at all levels. Interest Income Many investments generate interest income. Cash generates interest, as do CDs and bonds. Interest income is generally expressed as a percentage of an investment’s value over some time. For the sake of comparing alternatives and having a common frame of reference, interest rates are most often expressed as annual rates. This is typically true even when an investment is not designed to be held for a year, such as a three-month CD. Manage Your Retirement Savings Plan Start by Getting a Free Analysis Interest is a fix

What Does the Term “Payment plan” mean?

The term “ Payment Plan ” means an agreement that involves equal monthly payments. Borrowers or creditors always organize and decide about an agreement beforehand. The plan takes place for a set duration of time. It usually occurs at the pace of installments, which are paid at the due and predetermined time. Some forms of payment plan in consumer finance contain a monthly schedule—for example, auto loans and point-of-sale retail loans. Also, the customer makes a determined payment monthly in a finance payment plan. Until the borrower pays the balance in full, the amount continues. Other names for payment plans are layaway plans, installment plans, and credit plans. Understanding The Concept Of A Payment Plan A payment plan is also known as an Installment Payment Plan. It ensures the payment of outstanding debts on time. The sectors which involve critical and expensive purchases apply the “payment plan.” Auto, mortgage, and college tuition payments come under the category of these

5 Best Website/App for Testing CFA Level 1 Mock Exam

Is it your dream to become a chartered financial analyst? Well, many people have that dream but fulfilling it seems a daunting task to them. To pursue a chartered financial analyst career, you must pass a series of tests. These tests will certify your competence and integrity needed for a chartered financial analyst. However, passing the CFA exam is undoubtedly a challenging task. Many candidates try their luck each year, but only a few pass the exam and fulfil their dream of becoming chartered financial analysts. To pass the exam, you will require many skills, from analytical skills to expertise in economics, financial reporting, portfolio management, and investment analysis. Qualifying the level 1 of the CFA  exam will be the first step toward receiving the CFA designation. However, even if it is the first step, it is as challenging as the final one. Candidates are tested in almost 10 complex topic areas. The variety of topics, along with exam anxiety, is one of the main reaso

DIRECTV Promotions for 2022

I recently went through the process of canceling my cable package. It’s one of those things where you don’t really think about how often you use it. I’ve written about how you should use a time journal to track how often you use something but sometime during the pandemic, I was just in survival mode. The cable package wasn’t expensive but it wasn’t cheap either. It was just there. I rarely watched live TV too and I knew this. So this past weekend, I spent a few minutes with a chat representative to cancel my package. I was surprised how much I could save without it. I was wasting all that money! One of the a la carte options I’ve been considering a streaming service like is DIRECTV. If you’re like me and thinking about DIRECTV, here are some promotions to help you save a little bit more on your package. Table of Contents DIRECTV Packages Active DIRECTV Promotions (July 2022) $10/mo Off + $100 Visa Reward Card 3 months of premium channels DIRECTV Packages First, bef

Chapter 09: How to Calculate Your Return on Investment (ROI)

So far in our investing series, we’ve covered a lot of important topics about investing, such as the different types of investments , the benefits of investing, how to invest in real estate, and more. These are all necessary topics that you need to know so that you can have a solid grasp of how investing works. And in this chapter, we’ll be discussing how to calculate ROI. The goal of this chapter is to provide you with a basic understanding of how to calculate return on investment , or ROI. ROI is a metric that is used to evaluate the profitability of an investment . It’s a ratio that compares how much you paid for an investment versus how much you earned from it. Knowing how to calculate ROI is crucial so that you can understand the efficiency of your investments and make smarter financial decisions. And fortunately, you can use an investment calculator to help you calculate your ROI. To learn more about how to calculate ROI and how you can use our investment calculator to do so, c