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How to Write a Proper Resignation Letter (with template)

Are you resigning from a position and need to write a resignation letter? I’ve resigned from several jobs and each time wrote nearly the same resignation letter. It’s easy, it should not be stressful, and our simple template below will help you get it done quickly. Quitting a job may be hard but writing the letter won’t be. Table of Contents What to Put in a Resignation Letter What NOT to Put in a Resignation Letter About Your Resignation Free Resignation Letter Template What to Put in a Resignation Letter A resignation letter should be the most simple and barebones letter possible. Consider it a formal legal document where you only put what is necessary to let your employer know you’re leaving the company. This includes: Your contact information A formal statement indicating you’re resigning End date of employment Your signature If you want, thank them for your time there, the opportunities you were given, and how much you enjoyed it… but even that I’d consider lea

What Is a Conservatorship?

In some cases, people may not be able to make some decisions for themselves. This could be due to age or mental or physical limitations. In these cases, a conservator may be appointed. Definitions of conservatorship or guardianship can vary by state, but in many cases, a conservatorship handles financial matters and a guardianship handles day-to-day activities.  What Is a Conservatorship? A conservatorship is a legal process often put in place by a court to help someone who may not be able to manage their own affairs. The exact role of a conservatorship can vary depending on state law and the needs of the person. A conservatorship may be put in place to handle financial, medical or other daily-life matters. It’s common for a conservatorship to be put in place for a person, but conservatorships can also be assigned for corporations or organizations. Conservatorship vs. Guardianship There can be some confusion regarding the terms conservatorship and guardianship, since both can refer

Cheapest Car Insurance for New and First-Time Drivers

Car insurance is typically the most expensive for drivers under 25. This includes teenage drivers and adult drivers who have had a coverage gap or recently moved to the United States can also face high rates. However, just because you fall into one of these driver categories doesn’t mean you should settle for high insurance rates. Car insurance premiums can vary wildly between insurance companies, and there are many ways to obtain discounts. Our guide to the cheapest car insurance for new and first-time drivers contains everything you need to find affordable coverage. Table of Contents How Much is Car Insurance for First-Time Drivers? Best Car Insurance for New Drivers Car Insurance Comparison Websites USAA GEICO State Farm  Travelers Progressive Allstate Nationwide Erie Insurance 12 Tips to Lower Your Car Insurance as a New Driver 1. Telematics Insurance 2. Drive an Older Car 3. Take a Defensive Driving Course 4. Look for Student Discounts 5. Multi-Policy Dis

How To Save Money If You’re Broke

Want to know how to save money even if you feel like you don’t make enough, or are flat-out broke? Here’s what to do: Depending on your financial situation, setting up a workable Conscious Spending Plan may seem out of reach for you. Some people have already cut their spending to the bone and still don’t have any extra money. For me to suggest that they put away 10 percent for retirement is, frankly, insulting. How can they be expected to contribute 10 percent toward long-term savings when they don’t have enough to fill the car with gas? Sometimes this is reality, and sometimes it’s perception. Many of the people who’ve written me saying they live paycheck to paycheck actually have more wiggle room in their budgets than they think (cooking instead of eating out, for example, or not buying a new cell phone every year). They just don’t want to change their spending. However, it’s true that many people really cannot afford to cut more spending and really are living check to chec

Robo-Advisors: Should You Use One? Pros & Cons (+ tips)

You may have heard about “robo-advisors” like Betterment and Wealthfront. Robo-advisors are investment firms that use computer algorithms to invest your money (“robo” refers to a computer investing for you versus an expensive adviser). You’re probably wondering if they are a good investment and if you should use one. As a NYT best-selling author on personal finance, let me break it down for you. NOTE: If you’re looking for more information on investing, I recommend checking out these other articles I wrote: Roth IRAs vs Traditional IRAs Ultimate Guide To Online Investing Wealthfront vs Betterment: Which Roboadvisor is better? OR, make it easy on yourself, and just enter your email to get my Ultimate Guide To Personal Finance below. Ready to ditch debt, save money, and build real wealth? Download my FREE Ultimate Guide to Personal Finance. Why Robo-Advisors Became Popular Robo-advisors took the elite financial planning services offered to clients of financial advisers and ful

How to Make Life-Changing Decisions

A few days ago, I went on a short trip back home to New York with our son. We flew out of BWI Airport and parked near where I used to work. It’s been about fifteen years since I was last in that area and it had changed significantly. What was once just trees was now a shopping center. A few older buildings had been removed and replaced with commercial real estate, hotels, and gas stations. There was a lot more development. It reminded me of my professional journey. In 2008, I quit my job at Booz Allen Hamilton to work full-time on a blog. I liked my job. It was very stable, and well-paying, the people were great, and the company was fair and supportive. I had a security clearance and job security. I could’ve worked there for decades and made a good life for myself and my family. But I quit. It was a life-changing decision. At the moment, it felt like a huge decision – quitting my stable job to pursue a “blog.” It was a hard decision and one that I spent quite some time on. Here’

Cleo Review: The Money App that Talks Back

Cleo is one of many budgeting apps that does more than just budget. It’s a budget app, first and foremost, but it’s also designed to help you build savings (providing strategies to help you get there), benefit from cash advances, and even build or improve your credit. What’s immediately apparent is that Cleo makes it personal and even fun! The app will “speak” to you in ordinary language, sometimes bordering on crude. It may even seem like Cleo is “taking you to the woodshed” for bad behavior. But that’s pretty much how this app works. If you’re interested in a different kind of budgeting app that goes beyond budgeting and does it in a way that’s… different …Cleo may be of interest. But how does it compare to top budgeting and savings apps like YNAB or Acorns? Find out in this Cleo review. Table of Contents What is Cleo? How Does Cleo Work? Is Cleo Safe? Cleo Features Cleo Budget Cleo Save Cleo Borrow (Quick Spot Cash Advance/Salary Advance) Cleo Build Credit The (Cleo)

How to Save Money on Subscriptions with a VPN

Thanks to inflation, prices have been on the rise for the past couple of years. In times like these, one of the best financial strategies is to find ways to save money on ordinary purchases. An effective yet unusual strategy is to save money on subscriptions with a Virtual Private Network (VPN) . If that sounds strange, it is a thing – and an unexpected benefit of having a VPN service. We can’t take credit for this idea. It came about through an email to Jim from Noah Kagan of OKDork , so we can thank him for introducing the entire concept. So, it is new to us and a complete revelation. Because a VPN essentially hides your identity, it’s possible to make purchases for everyday products and services from foreign countries where those items might cost less than they do in the US.  It helps that good VPN services operate out of multiple countries. It’s a complicated topic, and a bit technical, at that. But let’s plow through it anyway. As you’ll see, the savings can be substantial.