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How Do Crypto Whales Make Money?

There are two ways including creating a Sell Wall and capitalizing on the FOMO of small investors in which whales can turn the crypto market trends to make profits those Creating a Sell Wall. Whales use this method when they want to lower cryptocurrency prices to accumulate more tokens (coins). This is done as the whales create a sell wall by putting a large ‘sell order’ at a lower-than-market price. The basic Demand and Supply principle work here, i.e., higher demand at a lower price and higher price at lower supply. Once the whales reduce the price of tokens and put them up for sale, the demand for them rises, inducing all other sellers to lower their prices. As a result of this price suppression, a panic chain reaction is created just like a ripple created by a stone thrown in the ocean. When the whales have created enough panic and the coin’s trading price has reached its desired level, they would pull back the sell order and buy new coins, becoming stronger.  Capitalizin

Can I Transfer Crypto Robinhood to Coinbase?

The Robinhood platform has quickly popularized itself all over the United States due to its relative ease of use. In the same order of idea, Coinbase is one of the best exchanges for people who want to sell crypto, purchase coins, store tokens, and more. Cryptocurrency investor decides to move from Robinhood to Coinbase for several reasons. The most common is to avoid the restriction that Robinhood places on crypto; the biggest restriction is the fact that you cannot send or receive crypto to/from Robinhood. But the question is can I transfer crypto Robinhood to Coinbase? There are the following steps in which you can transfer crypto to Robinhood to coins. In today’s post, we’ll discuss all you need to know about the following matters: How to transfer from Robinhood to Coinbase. Transferring funds from Robinhood to Coinbase directly: is it possible? What to know before transferring crypto funds from one platform to another. Robinhood Crypto Vs. Coinbase Coinbase is, for

The economic well-being of average Americans

Last month, the Federal Reserve released a new report: Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2021 [PDF]. This annual survey gauges American financial health and attitudes. The 2021 edition was conducted last November. Here are some highlights from the report: Seventy-eight percent of adults were either doing okay or living comfortably financially, the highest share with this level of financial well-being since the survey began in 2013. Fifteen percent of adults with income less than $50,000 struggled to pay their bills because of varying monthly income. Fifteen percent of workers said they were in a different job than twelve months earlier. Just over six in ten people who changed jobs said their new job was better overall, compared with one in ten who said that it was worse. Sixty-eight percent of adults said they would cover a $400 emergency expense exclusively using cash or its equivalent, up from 50 percent who would pay this way when the survey began in 2013. (Note that

The 100 Envelope Challenge: Does It Work? 

Have you heard of the 100 envelope challenge? If so, you might be intrigued by saving that kind of cash in such a short period. But how does it work, and is it realistic? In this article, I'll cover everything you need to know about the 100 envelope challenge, including whether or not it’s a viable option in today’s economy. What Is the 100 Envelope Challenge? Let’s start by defining what the challenge is. The 100 envelope challenge promises to help you save $5,000 in just 100 days.  At first glance, you might think it’s not possible. But the math adds up, friends. Then, the next question is, “Is the challenge doable for the average citizen?” To find out, let’s talk first about how the 100 envelope challenge works. How the 100 Envelope Challenge Works  Here’s how the 100 envelope challenge works – start with 100 envelopes. I prefer cash envelopes that fit the size of a dollar bill perfectly. Then, number each envelope in order from 1 to 100. Put the envelopes in a box, shuffli

Investing for Beginners: An Ultimate Guide for 2022

Simply put, investing is a means of growing your money by putting a little away now in the hopes of seeing more of it later. However, investing for beginners can understandably be overwhelming. There’s a lot to consider, and everyone’s financial situation is different. That’s why it’s important to do your research, and we’re here to help. Use this as your guide to the basics of investing. Afterwards, you’ll feel you’ve better prepared yourself to make the best decisions for your financial circumstances and future. Follow along and hit play on our video for your investing for beginners crash course, including: Understand Why Investing is Important Consider Important Factors Before Investing Determine What Kind of an Investor Are You Pick What Type of Investment for Beginners Is Right For You Be Mindful of Common Investing Mistakes   FAQs about Investing for Beginners Understand Why Investing is Important If you go to the movies with your grandparents, they might tell you a

Teachers Federal Credit Union Promotions: $400 for New Checking Account

Teachers Federal Credit Union was my first bank account (OK, technically it’s a credit union). I grew up in Stony Brook on Long Island and my mom worked for the school district, so as wise financially savvy individuals we opted for our local credit union. Teachers Federal Credit Union had a branch near our home and I remember going in to open the account. It took maybe half an hour and I left with a little green piece of paper that had my name, account number, and the bank’s routing number. I remember thinking that it was odd that I had a “share draft account” and not a “checking account,” but that’s just credit union nomenclature. Fast forward several decades (👀!) and I get to write about how they have a new checking account promotion – and a pretty sizable one at that. Teachers Federal Credit Union is NCUA insured ( NCUA# 8116 ) so your money is protected there, as it is in every insured credit union or bank (via FDIC). With that out of the way, here are the details of their pro

What is Rainbow Currency? Is It a Cryptocurrency?

We are a part of an information technology (IT) revolution where cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are restoring the whole monetary system as we know it. This is an inevitable change and one that is already taking place. However, not all cryptocurrencies are so easy to get your hands on, and Rainbow currency is one of them . However, what exactly is a rainbow currency?  The Rainbow Currency (YEM) is an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency coin that is centered on the ERC20 standard. YEM, which stands for Your Everyday Money, is one of the rare digital currencies that is designed for the sole purpose of carrying out financial transactions and making payments. It also symbolizes a Rainbow Currency. If you want to know more about Rainbow Currency, you’ve come to the right place.   What Is Rainbow Currency? Rainbow Currency , the universal expedient household digital money, is driven by the SafeZone open network of online and offline quality businesses across the world. It h

Is “Crypto Arbitrage VIP” Legit or Scam?

Indeed, every Bitcoin investor wishes to make money off their investment. A quick glance at the Crypto Arbitrage VIP site might give you the impression that it is a safe, reliable, and secure way of increasing your profits and doubling your bitcoins , especially if you’re an inexperienced investor. The enticing benefits and charm of depositing your Bitcoin on this specific platform are irresistible to overlook.  Still, a deeper look into the Crypto Arbitrage VIP’s primary pledge, “Get 340% return,” is astute enough to elicit one look before jumping on the bandwagon. This leads us to the most sought-after question, “Is Crypto Arbitrage VIP legit or a scam?” According to many websites, Crypto Arbitrage VIP is nothing but a ruse designed to defraud novice investors. Let’s take a closer look into whether this platform is actually legit or just a scam.  Crypto Arbitrage VIP Full Review: Is It Legit or a Scam? The idea behind Crypto Arbitrage VIP goes around in the digital and physi

7 Best Quantitative Finance Books You Should Have: A Worth Exploring List

A quantitative financial analyst goes through a vast database and discovers statistics patterns to reduce mathematical errors and increase profit. If you are a quantitative financial analyst and want to broaden your knowledge, reading quantitative finance books can help you to a larger extent. Finance books will facilitate you to develop your understanding of Finance in a better and handy way. If you are into the stock market, banking, insurance, credit or risk asset management, or trading forex, you must learn to create a winning edge and manage risks. This post includes a list of the 7 Best Quantitative Finance Books You Should Have at your home to develop an insight into quantitative Finance. These books will help you deal with numbers, develop knowledge of financial management risks, and create more assets. So stay along with us to crack the review and authors of these quantitative finance books – here you go! 7 Best Quantitative Finance Books You Should Have: A Thorough I