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2022 Guide to Digital Estate Planning

In a modern world, our financial lives are increasingly digital. Online banking accounts, investment apps, trading platforms and crypto exchanges hold the keys to our personal wealth. But like they say: You can’t take it with you. So what happens to the money in those online accounts after you die? Who gets it and how does that work? Failing to make arrangements for your digital assets can create stress and hardship for the people you love. They may struggle to access money you intended to leave them or lose out on sentimental items like family photos and videos. Digital estate planning prevents the unforeseen lapses that can occur even when you have a traditional estate plan in place that covers your home, vehicles and retirement accounts. Here’s what you need to know to fill in the digital gaps. What Is a Digital Estate Plan? A traditional estate plan spells out where your all your belongings, property and money go after you die. A digital estate plan focuses on your online a

How to Become a Flight Attendant

Some of the links in this post are from our sponsors. We provide you with accurate, reliable information. Learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners .   In most jobs, you go in expecting to learn lots of new things. This is true of flight attendants as well, except the old travel adage is especially apt here: The more I see, the less I know. Travel broadens the mind. And if you’d like to open up your mind to experiences all around the world, becoming a flight attendant is one of the best ways to actually make money while traveling. It’s still work, but the people who do it tend to love what they do. So what does it take to both lead and serve passengers as you fly around the world? We’ve got a comprehensive look  on how to become a flight attendant, what to expect and how to use job boards like ZipRecruiter to find open positions. What Do Flight Attendants Do All Day? If you’ve taken a long flight somewhere, you probably already have a good idea of wh

The Highest Paying Jobs in 2022

Some of the links in this post are from our sponsors. We provide you with accurate, reliable information. Learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners . When you’re looking to start a new career, what are the factors you should take into consideration? First of all, the career should be something you’re passionate about. Second, it should be able to provide you with the lifestyle you want to live. That could mean work-life balance, career advancement opportunities and, of course, enough money to support your dreams. That doesn’t mean an entry-level position is going to make you six-figures this year. But you should look at the earning potential of each possible career and what it would take to reach your ideal salary. We’ll outline some of the highest-paying jobs in 2022, plus how to leverage job sites like ZipRecruiter to find openings. How to Prepare For a High-Paying Job The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases a study every year about the highest-pay

17 Great Ways to Find Cheap or Free Books for Kids

Getting kids to read can be a tough job for parents and teachers alike. “I have a few students who routinely read for fun,” said Andrew Ramsey, a 6th grade teacher in Indiana. “Most of my other students, it’s like pulling teeth to get them to read.” On the flip side, you may have a kid who waits in line to get the newest book in the Chronicles of Whatever series and finishes it within hours of purchase. Your problem is not trying to get them to read, but figuring out how to fund the good habit.  Whether you’re encouraging reluctant young readers or feeding a bookworm’s habit, you’re probably trying to avoid spending too much. You want your kids to experience the thrill of exploring endless book possibilities, but you’ve got a budget to think about, too.  We’ve compiled a list of 17 ways to get free or inexpensive children’s books to tempt both your avid and reluctant young readers. Cheap and Free Physical Books for Kids Some parents prefer physical books to ebooks. “My kids are m

Netflix’s Password Sharing Crackdown Could Cost You

If you’re sharing a Netflix password among friends and family, your free ride may be coming to an end soon. Netflix has announced that it will be cracking down on password sharing outside the household — aka with your extended family and friends. For now, Netflix says it is testing the rollout in Chile, Costa Rica and Peru “before making changes anywhere else in the world.” Adding an extra member to an account will now cost an extra $3 a month in those three countries. Alternatively, subscribers can transfer current profiles to an entirely new account and retain viewing history, watchlists and personalized recommendations — but that requires paying for an additional account. The extra member feature is only available with a standard or premium account. The digital streaming service, known for hit shows such as “Stranger Things,” “Squid Games,” and “The Crown,” stated in its press release that there is “some confusion about when and how Netflix can be shared.” We don’t know how m

7 Rules for Taking a Work From Home Tax Deduction

If you’re one of the millions of people who worked remotely in 2021, you may be wondering whether that means a sweet deduction at tax time. Hold up, though: The IRS has strict rules for taking the home office deduction. [email_capture_widget] 7 Essential Rules for Claiming a Work From Home Tax Deduction Thinking about claiming a home office deduction on your tax return? Follow these tips to avoid raising any eyebrows at the IRS when you file your 2021 tax return, which is due on April 18, 2022. 1. You can’t claim it if you’re a regular employee, even if your company is requiring you to work from home due to COVID-19. If you’re employed by a company and you work from home, you can’t deduct home office space from your taxes. This applies whether you’re a permanent remote worker. It also applies if your office was temporarily closed in 2021 because of the pandemic. The rule of thumb is that if you’re a W-2 employee, you’re not eligible for a work-from-home tax deduction. This wasn’t

4 Money Secrets to Paying off Debt and Building Wealth

Some of the links in this post are from our sponsors. We provide you with accurate, reliable information. Learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners . Stop worrying about money — it’s bad for you. Studies show that financial stress can aggravate all kinds of health issues, like migraines, insomnia, heart disease and weight gain — not to mention our old pals anxiety and depression! Money worries can rip apart relationships and ruin your peace of mind. If you want to stop worrying, what you need to do is take action. That’s right, TAKE. ACTION. And we’ve got an action plan for you. You’ll feel better once you take these four simple, strategic steps. They’ll give you a real financial edge, and you’ll be on your way to paying off your debts and building your wealth for real. 1. Stop Paying Your Credit Card Company A big part of this is forming new habits and thinking of new ways to do things. For instance: Credit card debt is the most expensive kind of de

30 Uses for Baking Soda for Jobs Around the House

If you’ve ever baked a cake, cupcakes or even muffins, chances are you’ve got a container of sodium bicarbonate, aka baking soda, in your pantry. For the most part it stays hidden in the pantry, waiting for the next time you break out the baking equipment. Rather than saving it for special baking occasions, consider some new baking soda uses around your house. It’s one of those versatile ingredients that can replace numerous other products, so you can save your hard-earned cash for what really matters. Honestly, after reading this, you will never have too much baking soda at home. For cleaning and health, baking soda can be your best friend. It’s hard working, safe, good for the environment, and cheap. A  five-pound bag of baking soda is less than $4 and as you will see, can save you a ton of money. What Is Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)? Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, also called bicarbonate of soda. It is a salt that occurs naturally in a mineral called nahcolite. Often b