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Financial Planning for Elderly Parents: 3 Talks to Have ASAP

Let’s be honest: It can be awkward for adult children to talk about money with their parents. Especially if you haven’t done it much before. But avoiding the money talk, especially as our parents age and their needs change, can lead to a host of financial problems down the road. These talks are tough — but they’re also really important. Getting the conversation going early on — before a crisis strikes — and in a natural way can do a lot in helping your family plan its financial future. 3 Financial Planning Conversations to Have With Your Parents It isn’t all about money. There are many issues adult children might want to discuss with their parents, including long-term care, housing, and splitting assets and responsibilities. Consider the time, place and people you want involved in these talks. Depending on your relationship, you might want to schedule a specific time to discuss money with your mom or dad. Or it might be easier to casually bring up the topic in a non-pressurized e

Tips for Financial Self-Care: 6 Ways to Treat Yourself and Your Wallet

Some of the links in this post are from our sponsors. We provide you with accurate, reliable information. Learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners . In times like these, we could all use a little self-care. Things like getting a massage, maintaining good sleeping habits, eating a vegetable or two, curling up with a good book  and sticking with a somewhat regular workout could do us all some good. Ah, but what about financial self-care? We’re always being reminded to take care of our mental, emotional and physical health. But what about your financial health? We all need that too, because we’re all financially stressed. For example, a survey by the National Endowment for Financial Education found that a whopping nine in 10 Americans say the COVID-19 crisis is causing stress on their personal finances. Financial self-care is about lowering your financial stress level by jettisoning bad habits and taking control of your money. With that in mind, we’ve g

10 Minimalist Lifestyle Tips to De-Stress and Save Money

Minimalism has become a popular practice in recent years. When you live as a minimalist, you strive to only use things that serve a purpose. It’s about living simply and having only what you need to go about your daily life.  For instance, some people may start a no-spend challenge or only fill their home with items they absolutely need. Not only could you save money, but you can also save time on cleaning and organizing. Practicing minimalism is an ongoing process. You’ll always find ways to improve and modify your minimalism. To start, evaluate what currently serves a purpose in your life and what may be superfluous. When you practice a minimalist mindset, you’re choosing to live a more focused life.  You may start with cleaning up your budget and then move on to organizing your home. Taking the first steps to declutter your life is a big move, but you might need a game plan to make these habits stick. Many of us may have too much stuff, and may even be spending too much on unneces

Best Checking Accounts November 2021

Some of the links in this post are from our sponsors. We provide you with accurate, reliable information. Learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners . Do you remember why you chose your current checking account? If you got started early, your parents might have helped you open a kids’ checking or savings account at their bank’s branch. Or maybe you went with the credit union down the street from your work after getting your first W2 job. Whatever the reason, location likely played a big part. Thankfully, you’re no longer confined to a financial institution for a checking account because of its proximity to you — or a brick-and-mortar site altogether, for that matter. From higher interest rates to better benefits, it pays to expand your search beyond your local bank or credit union these days. Here’s how to choose the right checking account for you. 10 Best Checking Accounts for November 2021 Account Rewards ATM Access Fees Chime Spen