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How to Start a Baking Business From Home and Cash In

People rave over your Dutch apple pie. They always take a second slice of your Texas sheet cake. Those oatmeal raisin cookies disappear in minutes. Fans tell you repeatedly you could sell your tasty treats. Maybe you should. As a baker, you can add to your income doing something you love by starting a home baking business. What is needed? An initial investment in tools, packaging, and baking basics and a marketing strategy for your bakery business. It’s likely you already have some equipment but you may need more as your business scales up. Estimates range from $5,000 to $10,000 to start a home baking business with monthly income from $1,000 to $2,000. Of course, those numbers depend on a lot of variables, including how extensive you want the business to be, where you live, how many hours you want to work a week, and more. One thing that’s free is coming up with a name. That might be the most fun of all. Check out The Penny Hoarder’s Guide to Starting a Business. Tip: Take manage

25 Best Jobs for Introverts To Feel the Most Fulfilled

When navigating which career is right for you, finding something that aligns with your personality is no doubt a fine place to start. But if you fancy yourself as an introvert, you might want to avoid careers involving a lot of social interactions. Thankfully, there are many careers introverted people can excel at while still feeling comfortable. Studies show that your personality has important effects on early career outcomes. Therefore, success does not depend on your extroversion, but on your ability to put your skills, experiences, and personality to work in your favor. So if you’re an introvert, knowing the best jobs for introverts is the first step to discovering what career suits you best. Keep reading to find out what are some of these jobs or jump to our infographic for some interview tips. What Is an Introvert? Introversion and extroversion are popular terms you might’ve seen if you’ve taken a personality test, and most people have some degree of both. Introverted peopl

How to Manage Your Money Like a CEO

Some of the links in this post are from our sponsors. We provide you with accurate, reliable information. Learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners . You are the CEO of your own money. You’re the one in charge. You make all the major decisions. When it comes to your pocketbook, you’re the highest-ranking executive, and you’re the one overseeing everything. That’s good and bad. The bad part is, you have all the responsibility, and there’s no one else to blame. The good part is, you have the power to make things better for yourself. It’s time you embraced that power. It’s time to decisively take charge of your finances. Here are six ways to act like a CEO: 1. Get a Good Return on Your Investment A good CEO focuses on“ROI — return on investment. You want to invest your time and money in things that will return a profit. That involves making apples-to-apples comparisons: Should I do THIS or should I do THAT? For example: If you already have an emergency

The Average Current Ratio for Retail Industry: Explanation, Calculation, and Example from Real Data for Benchmark

The current ratio is an essential financial matric that helps to understand the liquidity structure of the business. It’s especially helpful for the businesses lenders that assessability of the business to repay their dues. Retail is an industry that is expected to generate cash on a day-to-day basis, and it’s easy for lenders to get collateral over the future cash flow of the retail business. In the retail industry, the business satisfies the demand of a large number of the consumer base. Retail sales normally generate cash, which is considered the strongest attraction of the retail industry, and managers are least concerned about liquidity management. Further, the retail business operates throughout vast industrial sectors, from home-based grocery products to medicines and related equipment. The following chart helps to understand the average current ratio of the retail industry. The numbers have been obtained from the annual report for the year ending 2020 of the respective comp

Average Payment Period: Definition, Formula, and Example

Definition: The average payment period is the measure of days the business takes to pay off accounts payable. It’s a solvency ratio and indicates business practice to satisfy obligations that fall due. The length of the average payment period is dependent on multiple factors including business policies, liquidity, adequacy of financial planning, and pattern of negotiation with the suppliers. Detailed concept It’s a business norm to purchase and sell goods on credit, and the length of a credit period varies from supplier to supplier and product to product. However, some businesses believe in the maintenance of creditworthiness and look for discounts on the early payout. On the contrary, some businesses believe in payable balance as strong input in the working capital and practice to maintain average payment period as long as possible. So, there are two sides of the equation that include, Maintenance of creditworthiness (centered on maintaining working relations with suppliers) M

The Average Current Ratio for Airline Industry: Explanation, Calculation, and Examples From Real Data for Benchmarking

The current ratio is a widely used metric in financial analysis; it compares current assets with the current liability to assess if the business has sufficient liquid funds. If current assets of the business exceed current liability, the liquidity is assessed to be in good shape and vice versa. This article aims to study the current ratio of the industry in connection with related fluctuation and data analytics. Various factors impact the liquidity numbers of the business that include business model, industry practice, business-specific decisions, and the liability structure of the business. Efficient use of the assets and better financial planning has proved to be a milestone in managing liquidity. However, that might not be the case with all businesses. Let’s analyze the main aspects of the current ratio with regard to the global airline industry. Global airline industry with perspective to liquidity/current ratio The global airline industry is subject to seasonal variation and

What Is Credit Balance Refund? All You Need To Know

A credit balance refund applies when you have a negative credit card balance. You may need to apply for a credit balance refund for several reasons. There are several methods to apply for a credit refund as well. As such, a negative credit card balance does not affect your credit score. As an alternative, you can utilize the negative balance instead of applying for a refund as well. Let us discuss what is a credit balance refund, reasons, and methods to apply for it. What is a Credit Balance Refund? A credit balance refund is a process to receive funds against the negative balance on your credit card account. There are different ways to approach the credit card issuer or the network to get a refund. The refund will only occur when the transaction has resolved all issues. The negative balance may occur due to several reasons as discussed below. If it is a temporary transaction or an error, you are unlikely to receive a refund. Once the transaction dispute is resolved and the bala