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9 Best Investing Tips for Building Wealth in 2022

New year, new investing strategy? Sorry, but that isn’t what you’ll find here. Investing doesn’t really change from year to year. It requires patience, consistency and a focus on long-term results. That’s why our best investing tips for 2022 look familiar. The best ways to invest in 2022 will still be the best ways to invest in 2023 and even 2033. 9 Smart Investing Tips for 2022 and Beyond If you’re ready to make 2022 the year your money sizzles, follow these nine investing tips. Then sit back and watch that nest egg grow. 1. Investing while you have debt? Here’s how to prioritize. You don’t have to wait until you’re debt-free to start investing. But sometimes it does make sense to focus on paying off debt first. Here’s how to prioritize: Your employer’s 401(k) match. Contribute to your 401(k) plan to get your company match unless doing so would put you deeper in debt. Paying off your high interest debt. Any debt that’s costing you above 6% to 8% a year in interest (ahem, ahe

12 Ways To Get Paid To Test Products at Home

Any time a company introduces a new product or service to the market, there’s risk involved. What happens if the product isn’t well-received, or a critical defect derails the product rollout, resulting in costly delays and damage to the company’s brand? For these reasons and more, companies will pay regular people to test products at home before they are released on store shelves. It helps them ensure that their products are ready for the market and reduces the risk of failure. You can become a product tester and get paid to test products at home. It’s a great way to pad your savings account and have some fun doing it. In this article, I’ll share no fewer than 12 ways you can get paid to test products from home. I’ll let you know how much you can earn and which product testing companies are more trustworthy. Table of Contents How To Get Paid To Test Products at Home 1. Pinecone Research 2. i-Say by Ipsos 3. Toluna 4. JJ Friends and Neighbors 5. Valued Opinions 6. BetaTestin

6 Home Selling Lessons From 2021

The last year in the real estate market has been, well, something. Home prices have skyrocketed across the country, and home buyers have been paying an average of $50,300 more for a typical single-family home, according to the National Association of Realtors . As a result, this market has produced some profitable opportunities for a lot of homeowners. To say it’s a “seller’s market” is an understatement. So, with that, what have we learned about selling a home in 2021, and what can homeowners looking to sell in 2022 expect? 6 Things We Learned About Selling a Home in 2021 iBuying is Here to Stay Not interested in all the hassle that comes with staging and open houses and waiting to close before you buy another home? iBuying might be for you. Selling to an iBuyer is a simple way to sell your home, as is, at a “fair market price.” They take it off your hands and take care of the rest. This concept has been around for years but now larger real estate companies, like Redfin and Op

The Five Dollar Challenge is a Savings Builder

Here at The Penny Hoarder, we kind of have a thing for Abe Lincoln.  His face is profiled on our favorite coin after all. But as much as we love our pennies, we also like seeing Lincoln’s bearded mug on the front of the $5 bill. And saving $5 bills is much more lucrative than hoarding pennies. How to Save Money With the Five Dollar Challenge The five dollar challenge is a simple money-saving strategy — one that doesn’t involve much thought or effort. You don’t have to do any math. You don’t have to cut back on spending. You don’t have to put aside an obscene amount of money each month. All this challenge requires is for you to stash away every $5 bill you get as change. That’s it. If you’re paying for something and the cashier hands you back a bill with Lincoln’s solemn face, don’t use it to buy coffee or a cheap lunch from the drive thru. Commit that $5 bill to your savings. Depending on how long you participate in the challenge, you could end up banking a lot of cash. Five dol

52-Week Money Challenge Hacks to Help You Save $1,378 in 2022

The blank slate of a new year is something to look forward to. But as we set financial goals for the upcoming 12 months, it’s important to think beyond broad declarations, like: “I want to save more money.” Without a clear plan mapped out, those types of resolutions often fall through. The 52-Week Money Challenge, on the other hand, is specific and concrete — offering a better chance to walk away with success. You may have heard of this challenge. The premise is simple, but it gets more difficult as the year goes along. The first week, you save $1. The second week, you save $2. The third week, you save $3… The idea is to increase the amount you deposit by $1 each week until you eventually save $52 in week 52, the last week of the year. Stay disciplined and stick to the plan, and you’ll have $1,378 in your account at the end of the year. Imagine what you could do with an extra $1,378. While saving over $1,000 in one year is wonderful, the classic 52-week challenge isn’t ideal for

7 Lessons From The Great Resignation of 2021

Go no further than TikTok to find people quitting their jobs in high-drama ways. “I’d rather not pay my rent than work for someone like you,” a young woman says to her boss — with camera rolling. “Today is my last day working in this toxic workplace,” a one-line resignation message reads. Another man announces he’s quitting by playing the Justus Bennetts song Real Life Sux , which includes the lyrics: “I tried a 9 to 5 and I made five bucks, I might as well just take the whole year off.” These scenarios are a great way to go viral, but aren’t so great for your career. Even if your work experience has been brutal, you need to leave on the best terms possible. Why? Think about it. You might need a reference down the road. You might encounter your boss and coworkers in other situations. And news of a high-drama departure might reach a boss you’d like to work for. Here’s a primer on all you need to know about how to quit your job and plan your next move during an period that has bee

Best Short-Term Health Insurance Plans for 2021

Medical treatment is costly when you’re uninsured, making health insurance essential. Until you can get health insurance from your employer or a government marketplace, the best short-term health insurance can fill your coverage gap at a reasonable cost. While you won’t enjoy permanent health insurance benefits, like pre-existing conditions or maternity care, these policies can cover doctor visits and emergency care for less than $100 per month. Table of Contents What Is Short-Term Health Insurance? How Much Does Short-Term Health Insurance Cost? No Federal Tax Credits How Does Short-Term Health Insurance Work? Individual or Family Coverage Plan Duration Plan Deductibles Coinsurance Medical Coverage Benefits Vision and Dental Coverage Are Separate Coverage Network No Pre-Existing Conditions Coverage No Maternity Care Benefits Limited Prescription Coverage No ACA Coverage Penalty Best Short-Term Health Insurance Plans UnitedHealthcare (Golden Rule Insurance Co

How to Make Money with Your Smartphone

In 2021, making money with your smartphone isn't a news anymore. I've heard and seen a lot of people bragging about it that they were able to making a full-time income with just their smartphone and an internet connection with VPN. Even Opera News hub is another opportunity to make a lot of money if you can build a winning strategy and knows how to write an articles that get lots of engagements. However, Opera News hub is not what I'll focus on today. (Maybe I'll do that later especially the building WINNING STRATEGIES that works wonders part.) That being said, I'll dedicate this post to cryptocurrencies and how you can make millions with it with just your Android or iOS smartphones. It's complicated, trust me. But I'll try my possible best to simplify it as i walk you through the whole process step-by-step. Without further ado, let's dive right in. Ways to Make Money with your Smartphone Investing your Time in Cryptocurrency  Assets There are many crypt

How We Learned to Save Money on Home Entertainment in 2021

Although the pandemic lockdowns of 2020 loosened up in 2021, many of us still found ourselves spending a lot of time at home. With the novelty of Zoom happy hours and virtual events fading, we reverted back to some classic ways to unwind at the end of the day — vegging out in front of the TV and curling up with a good book. And we found ways to save money while doing so! 6 Ways to Save Money on Home Entertainment Whether you’re a big bookworm, love to watch live sports or can’t get enough of your reality TV shows, there are ways for everyone to cut costs. 1. Download Free TV Apps With the plethora of streaming options available now, there’s no reason to be stuck paying a pricey cable bill. While many streaming services do charge their own subscription fees, there are some TV apps that are completely free. Download these free TV apps if you want to keep your costs at $0. You may not get access to the latest shows airing, but there are offerings for movie lovers, kids, gamers, an

Careers With Certification Could Be the Way to a New Job in 2022

Many of us spent 2021 wondering if our jobs were fulfilling enough. Were we happy? Were we paid enough? Was this what we wanted to do for the rest of our lives? For anyone who answered “no” to one of those questions — and especially if all of them — 2022 is the year to get certified. Getting certified in a skill or occupation can be a great way to make a career shift without a huge investment in training or education. A certification can complement your current career and diversify your skills in the workforce. And adding a certification to your resume or LinkedIn page can give you extra cred. If you’re itching for a change, certification could be your introduction to a new opportunity — a side job, a tryout job or even a path to longer-term goals. It gets even better. Certifications can be acquired in fields such as healthcare and green energy, which have some of the fastest-growing jobs right now. Other common professions with certifications: construction, real estate and financ